Chapter 81

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This chapter contains scene from CATWS

Washington DC - 09:35 am - Triskelion

Alexander Pierce had invited the World Security Council to the Triskelion to show them a demonstration of Project Insight. The members were currently walking through the main lobby of the Triskelion with armed guards surrounding them.

"And how was your flight?" Alexander asked the the female councilwoman.

"Lovely," the british councilwoman answered. "The ride from the airport less so," she supplied with a brief smirk towards the back of Alexander.

Alexander chuckled, glancing over his shoulder. "Sadly, SHIELD can't control everything," he supplied casually.

"Including Captain America," Councilman Rockwell supplied dryly.

Alexander ignored the comment and walked over to one of the guards who handed him a silver case. Alexander turned from the guard and faced the World Security Council, unclipping the locks and holding it open to them - revealing the four pins.

"This facility is biometrically controlled and these will give you unrestricted access," he informed them, smoothly.

Each council member retrieved a pin.

The HUB - 14:45 (C.E.T)

Skye and Grant were in an empty control room. Grant was in full tact gear, standing behind Skye's chair with one hand resting on one of the new I.C.E.R.S in one of his holsters and the other resting on her shoulder. His eyes trained on the screens as he watched the door out of his peripheral vision - watching for any possible threat. John hadn't been spotted for a few hours now and the team were concerned. He was last seen. If he was somewhere in the hub, then he will get knocked out when they released the knock-out gas throughout the HUB as soon as the signal was sent out.

Skye's eyes were focused on the wall of screens that currently filled video images of certain sections of the Triskelion that she had accessed an hour ago. The middle screen was locked on the Council members. She had eyes and ears on them thanks to some inside help. She glanced towards her laptop every thirty second. M.A.I.O.S was currently monitoring all the open S.H.I.E.L.D communication channels.

Skye was doing her best to concentrate on the mission, but she couldn't fight this feeling in her gut. She felt someone horrible and life changing was on the rise - something out of her control.

"We have company," she supplied, not removing her attention from the screens.

Grant snapped his attention towards the locked door and raised his I.C.E.R.S to eye level as it opened a few seconds later.

"Hey son," the male double agent sneered as he stood in the doorway in full tact gear.

"I'm not your son," Grant bit back with distaste.

John placed a hand over his heart with a mock hurt. "You're breaking my heart, kidd," he supplied, stepping into the room and closing the door.

"If you take one more step, I will put you down!" Grant warned, coldly.

John fixed his eyes towards the wall of screens, absorbing in their contents. His eyes locked on the middle screen and widened. Shit! The kid betrayed him! Who else knew? He released and angry growl as he turned his attention onto his protégé. "After everything I did for you - this is how you repay me? You owe me your life! Your freedom! I saved you!"

"No!" Grant shouted back, shaking his head. "You didn't save me, just relocated me into a different hell! I was just a kid!"

John glared at the younger man. He knew that the girl had filled his head with nonsense of happy endings and sunshine. John knew that he needed to be reminded of reality. "You really think that you've changed? That you two can go off and play happy families and raise a kid in a happy world?" he growled, glaring at the younger man. "Yeah, I know about that thing growing inside of her. I can't believe you compromised yourself like this for her! I thought I taught you better! Emotions are a weakness!"

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