Chapter Fifteen

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Arizona - Classified Location - S.H.I.E.L.D Medical Facility 

Room 108 - 20:31p.m

Natasha felt groggy, kind of like she had a really bad hangover. Her eyelids were heavy. She also felt something or someone pressed against the left side of her and something resting on her right shoulder. She could hear noise, talking or something along those lines. A television maybe? She could hear familiar voices.

Natasha eyes slowly started to open and flicker until they adjusted to the dim lighting in the room. It was night time, she acknowledged. A moment passed before her eyes were adjusted and she noticed that she was in a hospital bed. Why was she in a hospital bed? was the first thought that popped into her head as a throbbing pain came from the direction of her right leg. She noticed that it was bandaged up with a splint running along it.

“You were shot,” Clint voiced from beside her as if he was reading her mind. “You’re lucky that nothing important was damaged but you’ll be off missions for some time yet. And off your leg for at least a few week.”

Natasha turned her head to the left and her ruggedly handsome partner’s profile came into sight. His ocean blue orbs were looking at her with apprehension, but a smile soon spreaded across his lips. “Clint,” she acknowledged. “Um, how long have I been out for? What did they give me?”

Clint brushed his fingers along her shoulder. “A couple of hours,” he told her. “We landed here just after six and you and Milly were rushed into surgery,” he shared.

Natasha had temporarily forgotten that her best friend had been shot. She felt fear wash over her. “Where is she?” she asked, panic gripping through her as she tried to get up.

Clint wrapped his arms more securely around his partner and pulled her back down towards him. “She’s still in surgery the last I heard,” he quickly explained as he held the stubborn woman close to him. "Phil said that he will let us know when he knows more. You need your rest,” he told her in a stern but concerned tone.

Natasha tried getting up again and breaking from his embrace but the drugs in her system had drained a lot of her energy and Clint was just too strong. “She needs me,” the russian woman claimed. “I should be there with her.”

Clint held her tighter in a bear hug. “You can’t do anything right now,” he told her. “She is in the best hands possible,” he assured her.

Natasha felt tears sting her eyes. “She shouldn’t be here. Mel shouldn’t have been shot. I should have reacted faster,” she supplied.

Clint was gobsmacked. “Tash,” he expressed with raw emotion. “This is not your fault,” he told her. “You two should have never gone in there without the proper backup. This is on Fury. You were both shot. It could have been a lot worse. You both could be dead! I could have lost you,” he confessed.  

Natasha titled her head upwards, her green orbs locking on Clint. She could see how scared he was. Natasha wasn’t big on emotions or showing them in public. She wasn’t sure if it was because of the drugs in her system, but she did something that she hadn’t done in a very long time. It started of small with a few tears trickling down her cheeks before a sob escaped her throat, shortly followed by more as she buried her face into her partner’s shirt and cried.

Clint comforted his partner as she cried into his shirt. He soothed a hand across her back. “It’s okay,” he told her. “I got you. She’s gonna be okay,” he whispered, brushing a kiss along her forehead.

Private Waiting Room - 21:03 p.m

Phil hated waiting rooms. He hated hospitals. He hated not knowing. He hated being in limbo - the stage between life and death. It has been almost three house since they arrived here. Almost three hours since she had been rushed into surgery. Almost three hours since the last time he had seen her. An hour ago he had checked on his two friends, Natasha had still be knocked out, but then he had received a message twenty minutes ago from Clint informing him that Natasha was now awake. Phil had sent a message back informing his surrogate little brother that there was no news on Melinda yet but he would keep them updated.

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