Chapter Twenty Four

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FRIDAY - 01:11 am

Grant felt movement in his arms, followed by a mumbling sound. His eyes shot open and were met with darkness. Grant dropped his gaze downwards towards his Rookie that was thrashing in his arms with strangled sobs. He knew that Skye was having a nightmare, most likely about the shooting. Grant didn’t see it happen so he didn’t know what she was going through.

“Skye?” he gently shook her. “Wake up?” Grant softly pleaded. He just hated seeing her in any sort of pain. “Come on, Sweetheart … wake up.”

Skye’s woke up with a start, tears trickling down her cheeks. “I d-didn’t have a cho-ice,” she sobbed as she looked Grant with tear filled eyes. “I didn’t. I could sense that he was gonna ki-ll me. I didn’t have a choice,” she expressed with heartache.

Grant’s heart broke at her vulnerability in this moment. “I know that, Skye,” he said, pulling her into his arms and holding her close. She melted into his arms, crying into his chest  as sobs erupted from her. “I know,” he replied, swallowing the lump in his throat. “I know you,” he whispered, rubbing soothing circles across her back.  

Phil’s Bunk - 07:01 am

Phil couldn’t wipe the smile from his lips as he watched her sleep. Her head was on his chest as she laid on her back. She was fused to his side. He had an arm under her pillow behind her neck with his hand brushing her shoulder.

Phil couldn’t help but think how peaceful Melinda looked when she slept. Every morning that he woke up with Melinda in his arms, he couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have this second chance with her. It had been six days since his confession after she had woken from her coma and three days since she had been released from the S.H.I.E.L.D hospital. Phil had thought for sure that Melinda would have refuse to sharing his bunk while she recovered when he had made the offer, especially since that meant him helping her up and down the stairs - but she hadn’t even put a fight. She had just told him that it might be for the best since Natasha needed Clint’s help while her leg was healing and they were sharing her bunk.

“Stop it,” she mumbled half asleep.

Phil was pulled from his thoughts at the sound of her voice. He felt a smile touch his lips. “Stop what?” he replied, knowing exactly what she was talking about. They went through the same thing every morning since getting back together.

Melinda’s eyes fluttered open and she turned her head upwards. “Watching me while I sleep,” she supplied. “It’s creepy,” she told him as a ghost of a smile touched her lips.

Phil brushed a soft kiss across her lips. “Morning,” he greeted her. “And I wasn’t watching you,” he supplied. “I was admiring … there’s a difference,” he expressed with sincerity.

Melinda rolled her eyes at that comment that she had heard many times before as a smile tickled the corners of her mouth. He was such a goofball, but he was her goofball, she couldn’t help but think. “What time is it?” she asked, averting her eyes.

Phil knew that Melinda had trouble accepting compliments, but that wasn’t gonna stop him from giving them to her. “A little past seven,” he revealed with a content smile. “I should really be getting up,” he supplied, letting out a heavy sigh.  

“I’m not stopping you,” Melinda expressed with a smirk, her eyes fixed on him.

Phil narrowed his eyes on her as a smile curved his lips. “Your mere presence is stopping me,” he told her honestly, holding her gaze as he bought his free hand to her face and brushed his fingers along her cheek.

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