Chapter Two

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The Bus 

The two young scientists eyes were glued to the screen as they watched their two friends part ways and turn back to look at one another when the other one wasn’t looking. They were still speechless from that kiss that the couple had shared. Jemma was curious to how long it would have lasted if her boss hadn't cleared his throat.

Phil’s phone began to ring. He pulled the electrical device from his front coat pocket and glanced down at the number before excusing himself from the room.

Leo and Jemma waited until their boss had left the room before Jemma hit ‘mute’ over the comms system and turned to face her best friend.

“Oh my goodness,” the young british woman exclaimed. “They kissed!!” she squealed in delight. “And did you see that look she gave him when he walked away?”

Leo nodded his head as he watched the different camera angles of the ballroom on the large screen. “He looked back,” the scotsman added.

Jemma nodded her head with a big smile. “I knew they had feelings for one another,” she squealed excited. “And they’re so perfect for each other, too! If only they saw what we saw, but they’re both stubborn people.”

Leo nodded his head in agreement as he watched Skye reach the auction tables and started perusing the items on them. “I don’t understand why two people who know they should be together continue to be apart.”

“Fear,” Jemma supplied automatically, which caused Leo to look in her direction. “One or both could be scared that the other doesn’t feel the same as them or are scared that if they do admit their feelings and then they break up, they lose that one person that they care about most in the world. If they stay friends, then they will always have them in their lives even if they can’t be with them.”

Leo swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. He had never heard his best friend talk like that. She sounded like she was speaking from experience. She had a look in her eyes. A look that he hadn’t seen before.

Jemma turned her eyes back towards the screen. “That is probably what is going through their heads,” she answered and unmuted the comms system.

The two continued to watch their friends on screen.

A moment later Phil re-entered the room as he slid his phone back into his front jacket pocket.

Crystal Ballroom

Skye let her eyes scan along the items on the table as she made her way down it, since it was only early in the night there weren’t many bids yet - but some nice things were being auctioned off. By the time she had reached the table, Vanessa Hart had moved on and Skye didn’t want to follow her. It was her husband they were after anyway.

Skye halted in her spot when she came across a set of limited edition Captain American cufflinks. A smile curved her lips as she looked down at them and thought of her boss. He would so be fangirling right now, she couldn’t help but think. Skye dropped her eyes down to the white square card where you wrote your bid on with your name. No one had bided on it so she picked up the pen and scribbled down an amount.

“Captain America fan, huh?” an amused male voice with a southern accent asked from behind her. “I don’t blame you with those dreaming blue eyes and that ripping body.”

Skye turned her head around and looked at the owner of the voice which belonged to a tall man just under six foot in a black suit and bright green silk dress shirt - no tie. He had stormy blue eyes, long run-your-fingers-through black hair. He was a good looking guy, she couldn’t help but think. It was a shame that he is gay and married. 

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