Chapter Thirty

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Sunday - Murchison, Western Australia

Walkabout Station - Cargo Bay - 17:03 p.m

The team, along with the two assassins were all gathered in the cargo bay as they watched the ramp lower. They all had a duffel bag with a few days of clothes and personal belongings with them since the hanger was located a thirty minute drive from the homestead where they would be staying. They were all dressed in casual attire that mainly consisted of jeans, boots and t-shirt or long sleeve buttoned up shirt to blend in with the country atmosphere.  

Phil could already feel the heat in the air. It was autumn but still bloody hot and wouldn’t start cooling down till winter settled in. Even though it was early evening, it would still be hot for a couple hours yet. This was the first time he had been back here or even in Australia since he had died. He couldn’t wait to see his surrogate big brother again.

The door finally reached the ground with a loud banging sound.

“Philly,” an older male voiced with deep australian - called.

Phil fixed his eyes on the older man dressed in country attire with bright blue eyes and grey hair around the seventy mark as he made his way up the ramp with a smile. “James,” he acknowledged as he started walking towards the older Retire S.H.I.E.L.D agent.

“Philly?” Skye whispered with a smirk. Grant chuckled. Melinda turned and glared at the two younger agents and they both wiped the amusement of their faces. Melinda than smirked as she turned her attention back towards the two men.

The two men stopped halfway up the ramp. Phil dropped his duffel bag by his feet as the older man pulled him in for a hug, clapping him on the back. The two men hugged for a good thirty seconds before pulling back and looking at one another, during that time Phil had whispered something into the older man’s ear.

James patted the younger man on the shoulder. “It’s good to see you, it’s been too long. And you bought some guest,” he supplied, turning his attention towards the group of young adults that had assembled - all S.H.I.E.L.D agents. He knew a couple of them. The Assassins had been here before, but Melinda May hadn’t. He had retired by the time she had earned her nickname, but he knew Melinda before that. James knew her when she was just a young agent like Phil. He had been their handler whenever they were in Australia on a mission.

“Hey Kiddo.”

Melinda was now standing beside her partner, opposite the older man that she had known for almost thirty years. “Hey James,” she greeted with a soft smile, extending her hand.

James looked down at the hand as if it was an insult. “I’ll be careful and won’t bump your wound,” he told her, giving her a knowing look before pulling her into his arms. Melinda was stiff in his arms for a moment before she melted into his embrace, releasing her duffel and letting it drop on the floor before she hugged him back.

“It’s been a long time,” James revealed in a soft tone as he pulled back.

Melinda nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat.

James turned his eyes towards the two assassins that were making their way towards him. The redhead was on crutches. He had met them both a couple of times before. His son-on-law knew them a lot better. James remembered them staying with him for the month after that business in New York.

“Barton,” he greeted with a nod of the head. “Romanoff,” he added, offering a smile to the younger woman. “What did you do to your leg, darlin?”

Natasha didn’t like being called nicknames like that but knew it was apart of their culture, so she let it slide. Only him and Dwight can get away with it, though. “Disagreement with a bullet,” she supplied, deadpanned.

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