Chapter 84

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So, this is the second last chapter. And this chapter wraps up CATWS. The last chapter will contain everything with AOS and how I rewrote the ending. There is gonna be a sequel to this fic, not to sure when it will be posted thought. I am gonna try and wrap up my 'What If' fic and post the first few chapters of Clintasha's side fic.

I also changed the ending of CATWS, slightly :)

Okay, so there will be more Caphill hospital scenes, but I am saving those for my Caphill fic 'What If' ... I just chucked in these few scenes in this fic for my readers who love Maria and Steve.

Sunday, 6th April 2014

Bethesda Hospital - 10:15am

Maria was sitting in the chair beside Steve's bed doing the same thing that she had been doing for the last day and a half, waiting for Steve to wake up. She hadn't left his room for more than an hour at a time since he was admitted and when she wasn't here - Natasha, Milly or Sam were with him. She didn't trust anyone else in the room with him alone.

Maria had her fingers laced through his. She just needed contact with him. The doctors had put him in an induced coma upon arrival so his insides could heal quicker and they had slowly bought him out of it early this morning. Normal people would have had to stay in the coma for at least a week if they had been put through what Steve had been, but because of his Super Soldier genetics - he healed ten times quicker than most people.

The doctors were positive that he would wake soon. His vitals were good, it was mainly just the outside that had to heal. Maria just wished he would wake up. She missed hearing his voice, seeing his beautiful blue eyes. She missed him.

"Maria, we have to go," Natasha voiced from the door as she entered the room. "You've still gotta get ready ... we've got to meet with them in a little over an hour."

Maria hesitantly tore her eyes from Steve and turned them towards the door and on her good friend. She could see the longing in Natasha's eyes. She missed her family and had plans to go home to them after their debriefing with congress. "I know," she sigh heavily. "I just - I just wish he would wake up."

A knock sounded at the door and a few seconds later Sam popped his head in. Sam was a good looking guy, but her heart belongs to Steve. She knew that Natasha was already going through possible candidates for the former Soldier. Maria couldn't fight the smile that tugged at her lips at the thought.

"Wow, is that a smile?" Sam teased as he entered the room. "It looks good on you. No wonder Steve fell in love with you"

Maria rolled her eyes and Natasha chuckled from her spot at the end of the bed.

A comfortable silence fell over the room for a couple of minutes.

"Maria," Natasha voiced from the end of the bed.

Maria released a heavy sigh.

"I promise that I will call you if he wakes while your gone," Sam vowed with a smile. "Go kick Congress ass."

Maria felt a smile twitch her lips at the former Soldier's words. She gave his hand a squeeze and stood to her feet and turned to face him. She leaned over him and brushing her lips against his. "I love you," she whispered, giving his hand another squeeze before letting it go.

Maria hesitantly walked away from his bed. The female assassin slung her arm around her friend's waist and the two women walked out of the room.

Sam waited until the two women had left the room before he reached into his pocket and pulled out his MP3 device and plugging it into the dock speakers that Maria had set up from the music she was playing over the last few days. He then scrolled through his songs and located 'Troubled Man by Marvin Gaye' and hit play. He than walked over to the chair Maria had been sitting in and pulled out the paperback from his back pocket. He settled into the chair and opened up to where he had left off the other day.

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