The Power of Commitment

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Another thing that I really understand now: it’s key that you’re committed to a place before people are willing to do business with you. You really have to set your flag down and say I'm going to be here until whenever. Doing business is a lot easier if you have that mentality.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have that mentality when I went there.  The fact I was leaving in a couple of weeks didn’t help my mentality. If I were to do this all again, I would for sure plant a flag and say "Yup! I'm here for the next two years and I’m going to make something happen…" Once you commit, things start aligning. There’s a trick, basically, and it's when you commit to something, providence happens. It's actually very true and I've seen this happen many times. Whenever I put my flag down in the sand and say "this is where we’re doing it and I just do it and I don’t care what the consequences are…" I often reach that goal. I need to be reminded of this sometimes. It's a truth of the universe: commitment, there is nothing that can take its place. It doesn’t matter how smart you are, how wealthy you are, or how good looking you are, or whatever other advantages you have, if you don’t have commitment, which also means persistence in relation to what you are trying to achieve, you will never achieve it.

This is something that people need to know. It doesn’t matter how many sharks there are in the water. If you're committed to something, they can bite all they want; you're just going to be generating new meat and it doesn’t matter that they bite you. When you lack commitment, you are vulnerable to sharks. Advanced sharks start to sway the way you think, cast doubt in your plans, and steer you toward their own goals. Another tip is never to reveal your true goals to sharks because they will use that to manipulate you, leading you on to a task that they claim is in line with your goals.

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