How to Avoid an Epic Puke Story

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I have heard stories of “fake” alcohol causing serious hangovers.  One way to protect yourself is to limit the amount you drink.  My new rule now is no more than three drinks—of anything.  As I saw once in a public service announcement, one shot, one glass of wine, or one beer all contain the same amount of alcohol.  Another tactic when dealing with Asian businessmen who want you to drink is to say that you are taking medication and can’t drink.  Sometimes it helps to have a pill bottle to show them. Finally, a polite but firm “No” will work, and if the business is important enough, this rejection won’t matter.

If you do find yourself drinking, be sure to stop by a convenience store on the way home, and load up on Pocari Sweats or Gatorade.  In my experience, they are the fastest, surest way to cure a hangover and prevent endless vomiting.  If all else fails, go see a doctor.  Don’t be foolish like me and try to “tough it out.”

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