You Never Know Who You Will Meet

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Then the third project was called Mega Screen. Essentially, that was Mr. Android wanting it to behave like the world's largest Android phone, a twenty-two inch Android touchpad. We bought a twenty-two inch touchscreen monitor and fixed the drivers to run on a "beagleboard,” which is basically a tiny computer the size of your hand. Next, we installed Android on it, which in effect created one of the world’s largest Android devices. This was before another team did the same thing on a 55-inch television. After hacking for 20 hours, I got stuck. Fortunately, Mr. Android was able to pick up where I left off and get the device working. Shortly after Mr. Android got the device working, he saw that the 6M group was not going to want to pursue the project. As a result, he was the first member to leave the group and try to launch the Massive Android as a side project. His first attempt was to demo it at the Toronto Android conference, AndroidTO, where Mr. Android was a guest speaker.

The project wasn't a waste of time for me because I helped demo the device at the conference, which led to my meeting one of my mentors, the founder of WattPad. Even though the giant Android was not a monetary success, it was a win for me meeting Alan, WattPad’s CEO, who taught me many lessons about entrepreneurship, such as the laws of timing and how partnerships are never fair or equal.

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