Zhongshan China Call Centers

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Mr. Princeton took me to Zhongshan, a small city south of Guangzhou named after the founder of modern-day Chinese government, Sun Zhongshan, better known in the West as Dr. Sun Yat-Sen.  Dr. Sun took over the Republic of China, overthrowing the emperor and breaking out of the old system. There are two sides to the story: some people say that Sun Yat-Sen was nothing but a puppet and didn’t have any real power. I was told that Sun Yat-Sen’s party didn’t have real say in China until they were able to create a military that was directly loyal to them.

Mr. Princeton took me to Zhongshan and we saw the call centre at LoyalPlus; they were scaling back the call centre a bit, because they were not getting as many calls as expected and it was what we needed to see. I wanted to see what it’s like to get labour for handling call centres, although in this case we would see that you can do it in China. And these Chinese workers, the call centre people, are extremely sharp. They’re organized usually with one project lead who leads her followers and as a group they learn about the company and the company’s products.

What a company like LoyalPlus would do is to provide manuals or photos or pamphlets to show the call centre staff what to do in different scenarios.  This manual would contain who to call if they didn’t know the answer to a question and general tips on how to handle problem customers.

This trip taught me that call centre people in foreign countries are usually pretty smart, but they are only as good as the training they receive from the company they represent.

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