My Uncle, the Police Chief

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My mom’s second-oldest brother used to be the chief police in Jiangmen, a city south of Guangzhou. Before he passed away, I met him in Canada when he came very briefly to visit with his wife for a couple of weeks. He was a big deal and when he visited Hong Kong, they even had a motorcade for him. He was very well known and when he passed away, it was quite a shock to me because he taught me some very interesting things; his character was really strong and I think he might have influenced me in a very subtle way. We were staying at his wife’s property in Kaiping; his wife lived in Jiangmen because her children were almost twice my age and no longer in China.  There was a property in Kaiping, basically a fully furnished apartment but no one was living there and my parents took it over for their stay. They give me a room. It was a three-bedroom condo apartment.

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