Chapter eighteen

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Chapter eighteen


Jongin called Kyungsoo, not noticing he was already asleep because of his soft sobs. Jongin came near Kyungsoo's bed and sat on the edge of it. He then stared at Kyungsoo and noticed tears were already falling down his beautiful face. He felt a sting on his heart and and leaned his face on Kyungsoo's and kissed his tears away. He then muttered the words he wanted to say to him since earlier.

"I'm sorry, hyung...."

He kissed Kyungsoo goodbye on his lips and left the room and headed straight to his room. He drove off to his bed and get his phone on the side table and dialled Krystal's number. Minutes later, she then answered it.

"Oppa! I miss you. Why didn't you called me last night? I was so worried about you! Don't you know that? I'm worrying maybe you and Kyungsoo oppa were already developing feelings for each other. What will happen to me now? Oppa, I'm so scared! I can't keep that thought away from me! Just the thought of you being with Kyungsoo oppa and not me makes me wanna die. Oppa, I really love y "

Jongin then cuts Krystal off with the words that made Krystal stop, and smile for a second.

"Hush, Krys. I love you even more than you've expected."

On the other side, Kyungsoo, who was eavesdropping Krystal and Jongin's conversation, couldn't make it and just cried. He wasn't asleep yet, he just pretended to be one so that he'll know if Jongin would come back to him and he did-- but he just bid his sorry and goodbye as well to him. And that tore Kyungsoo's heart even more. But Kyungsoo didn't loose hope, he's still hoping that Jongin was just kidding and just waiting for him to tell him that he's not dating Krystal and he's the one ne loves. But reality check, that's not going to happen. When he knows it's too imposible to happen, he still hopes. He's still hoping that Jongin might love him back.

Why does he has to be such a masochist?

He headed to his room and there, he cried and cried even more. He blames himself for not grabbing the chance before to confess his growing feelings towards the latter since their debut days, he blames himself for being such a jerk as he just ignores him before, he blames himself for being having special feeling towards him, he blames himself for being hurt this much, and he blames himself for loving him. He then drove himself to sleep with his heart, still broken.

Why does Kyungsoo has to realize that he loves Jongin so much when he's almost a year late?

"Hyung, wake up."

Jongin's gentle voice woke Kyungsoo up. He felt his hand on his back and his thigh on his thigh. He then received a soft kiss from a plump lips on his heart shaped lips. He then blushed, still not opening his eyes, just minding it as a dream. But silly he knows, it's not. He felt Jongin's breath on his ears and sucked it before.

"Hyung, wake up or I'll put my big cock on your fucking tight hole."

He then quickly opened his eyes and saw Jongin's face an inch away from his. His eyes suddenly widened even more, surprised at what he saw. He was surprised to see Jongin lying on his bed, beside him.


Kyungsoo calls then cupped Jongin's face and his eyes started to tear up. He can't believe what happened earlier was just.... a dream.

"J-jongin.. Y-you're here."

Kyungsoo said when his tears started to fall down. Jongin then panicked and unhesitantly wiped Kyungsoo's tears away with his kisses.

"Shit hyung! Why are you crying?! Did I do something wrong? Fuck! I'm so sorry!"

Jongin asked, worried, kissing Kyungsoo's tears away. Kyungsoo's tears uncontinuously falls as Jongin kisses him. Kyungsoo then sobs and asked Jongin.

"Pabo-yah! A-are you dating Krystal?"

Jongin looked at Kyungsoo with a confused look with his brows creased and answered Kyungsoo back with a question that made Kyungsoo wants to jump in happiness.

"What are you saying, hyung? Of course not. Why would I even?"

Jongin rolls his eyes then chuckled after. Kyungsoo then sighed in a relief. Jongin was confused with his hyung's reactions but Kyungsoo just hugged him, tightly. Like he doesn't wanna let go of him anymore.

"I-i just dreamt you and Krystal were already dating for almost a year and y-you left me alone. Jonginnie, I'm scared. I-i don't know why but I'm scared of loosing you. I don't want you to be with Krystal or any other girls nor boys there, unless it's me. I'm hurting whenever you're with anyone else and it's killing me! Promise me one thing, Jonginnie. Promise me that I'll be the only one you'll be with. Promise me that I'll be your only one."

Kyungsoo cries as he hugs Jongin tightly. Jongin's shirt was already wet because of Kyungsoo's tears but he doesn't mind, instead, he smiled and kissed Kyungsoo's head and hugged him back tighter than ever.

"You're so cute, hyung. Especially when you're jealous. And possessive. Heh."

Kyungsoo's face turned red when he heard Jongin said. He then punched Jongin's arms continuously but Jongin just stopped him with a passionate kiss. The kiss took about a minute before they let go of each other's lips.

"Hyung, I'll be dating no one unless it's you. I'll be marrying no one unless it's you. I'll be loving no one unless it's you. I know it's too sudden but I love you. And I don't want to let go of you. I don't want you be touched nor kissed by anyone unless it's me. And I promise you, you'll be my only one."

Kyungsoo raised his head up and saw Jongin smiling at him. Jongin then kissed the tip of Kyungsoo's nose and hugged him tightly.

"I love you so much, hyung. And I'm so stupid to realize it later than ever. But still, I love you. Will you forgive me? I just want you to be... mine. Please?"

Jongin asked and Kyungsoo just smirked, still has tears falling down his face. He looks crazy right now, I told you. But Kyungsoo kissed Jongin's lips for a second and looked after him and smiled mishievously.

"And I love you too."

Jongin wants to jump of happiness but he was immediately stopped by Kyungsoo with a different expression with a hint of satanic look (lol). He told Jongin he can be his so that they could be officially together but he said a thing that made the latter feel the excitement.

"But not unless you pass through Satan Soo."


NOTE: Is the story's phase too fast that they suddenly exchanged I love you's? I hope not, because I'm taking it all slow. Lmao. Please don't put your grudge on Krystal. She's an innocent kiddo here and has nothing to do with here. And she won't be having any roles here anymore, that's her only appearance. Lol.

Plus, I wanted to clarify you that Kyungsoo and Jongin were still not boyfriends here. Kyungsoo will make Jongin suffer before he say yes to him! Isn't that great? Lol. Thanks for reading by the way. I'm sorry for the last chapter if I know you hated it. Plus, warning, still unedited. Too sleepy to edit this one. Lmao. Love lots! x

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