Chapter 23 - A Fight to go Home

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Chapter 23 - The Fight to go Home

Dates Written: 1/22/ - 2/4/15

Date Published: 2/18/15


Pain went through my head. I screamed out and heard a door open. "Nuraya!" My 'Dad' grabbed my head trying to shh me. "I'll be right back." He ran into the other room and came back to sit by me.

"911, What's your emergency?" And then it went black.

'My emergency is that I'm confused and freaked out right now.'

White. That was the color that surrounded me. I knew this white like it was the back of my hand. I was in a hospital.

I've been here a lot. The landlord would come in and find me bleeding while passed out. I cut myself a lot because of the girls at school. I didn't know any better because I've always been alone.

"Nuraya?" Something wet crossed my forehead. I smacked it away and opened my eyes to see I had my 'fathers' wrist in a tight lock. "Nuraya, it's fine." I let go of him and looked down at me. "What happened?"

"You had another panic attack." I look over at him. Another? Something catches the corner of my eye. A light was shining, and in the middle of the light was Riku's face. I blinked and rubbed my eyes.

I felt like a party was happening in my stomach. Every nerve in my body felt like they were breaking. I threw the blankets off my and ripped the IV out of my arm before running out of the room. "Nuraya! Come back!"

I turned around to look at him. "I'm sorry, but you're not my father. My father is a mean and heartless man who is trying to kill all of my friends." He looks at me and shakes his head. "Security!" The lady at the desk yelled.

Big men came around the corner. "Get her back. She's a run away." The men started coming towards me. I turned around and started running. "Come back here!" I could hear him calling for back up on his radio.

This is bad! Really bad! How do I get back to the Keyblade graveyard?! I push the buttons for the elevators as they ran around the corner. I give up on the elevator as the door to the stairs come into view.

I run towards them and close the door locking it. As their faces come into the window, I stick my tongue out and start running up. This place isn't real. The only way to a place in Kingdom Hearts, is to go up.

As I was rounding the last pair of stairs, foot steps other than mine could be heard. I stop as someone in a black coat and hat stops at the top of the stairs.

"Who are you?" I ask getting into a defensive stance. "I'm some one here to help." A voice I recognize says. "Riku?" I ask walking up the last stairs to meet him. I lift up his hat to see more of his face, and sure enough there he is.

"Don't get so excited, I'm not the real one remember?" I gasp stepping back. "He didn't kill you!?" His smile on his face answers it all. He grabs my hand and drags me outside. "It's gotten bad Nuraya. She's pretty much almost killed your friends. They're surviving on a small string."

"That was my worst fear. How do I get back?" I grab his coat as the wind started to pick up. "I can't answer that question." I rest my head on his chest as he wraps his arms around me. "I can give you a hint."

"You can only escape from this world the way you came in." I look up at him confused, then it dawned on me. "The game."

Riku started to turn into black smoke. "He knows that you know how. Hurry. If your house disappears, it's all over." Riku's arms lighten. "Go!" Wind blows around me as the door flies open.

"That's her boys!" The officer yells getting out his gun. "Shoot her down boys, she's too far gone." I run towards the edge of the building and look down. Gun fire could be heard as I jumped off the building. Nothing in this world is real!

I land on the ground and look around before starting to run. I'm downtown. My house is two miles from here. There's no way I'll make it in time.

Something brushed past me before circling around me. "Ven's broad?" I jump on and turn down a street trying to find a way back home. This is so a dream now! Right as I get in my drive way I jump off and run to the door.

The whole street looked like it was being swept up by an F5 tornado. I tried to open the door to see it was locked. "Of course you want to make this easy!" I yell kicking the door down. Right as I walk in little black spots start to form on the floor.

I jump over all of them and make it into the living room. Quickly I turn on the game and try to get through everything before the game. "Come on! Come on!" Just as the house started to shake the game came into the view.

I press the start button before something new came up. "A pass code?" I look down at my hands as glass started to break. "70571." It came out of my mouth before I typed it in. Everything stopped. Even the things in mid air paused. My breathing started to pick up looking around at everything.

It was so quite. I gulped standing up. "My mother's birthday was the code? Why?" I touch the tv screen as the whole house shifts. A scream comes from my mouth as I look outside. Everything was black.

I backed up causing my back to make contact with something. Behind me was a huge unversed. It started to walk towards me. I backed away in fear. I can't summon my keyblade. The house started to split up. The tv was breaking away the most. "No!" I yell jumping and holding onto the tv.

"This thing is my only way back! I won't let you take it away from me!" The unversed walked right over the holes and grabbed on to me. Where it's hand were burned. Smoke started to go around me. "I won't give in! The darkness is my friend!" Light went around me as I saw everything.

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