Chapter Ten - Castle of dreams (Part 1)

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Heyy guys!! Long time since I've updated this book. Sorry about that. I'm going to base this chapter off of Cinderella 3 a twist in time. I hope you all enjoy!! Please Vote Comment and Fan!! (When you vote you get a dedication to show how much I'm pleased to have your vote!) Have A Nice Day!!


Riku's P.O.V.

The Gummi stopped and right before the door could open The King came out of a white portal. " Hey'a Fellas." Sora turned around and ran over to hug the king. "Now where's Nuraya?"

The King didn't hesitate to go down the hall and knock on the door of Nuraya's room. He soon went in and shut the door behind him.

" Why could he possibly want to talk to her for?" Sora asked itching his head. " Do you remember when we started this mission? He asked Nuraya about Xehanort and she didn't remember him at all. Now she's come up with the idea that he's her father. Maybe since she's remembered the King wants to know how much she's remembered." I say sitting down on the couch.

They both looked at me and then looked down. " How could he be her father? They're nothing alike." Kairi said slumping down in her seat.

" Sorry to hold up your mission fellas. I'll be checking in sometime soon." The King came out of Nuraya's room with her following shortly behind him. " Remember what I said Nuraya." With that Mickey was gone. What did they talk about?

Soon we were getting off the ship and we ended up in the castle's courtyard. " It's more beautiful then I remembered." Nuraya mumbled. I looked at her from the corner of my eye. Even though I like her she's makes me feel like she's hiding way too much from me. If I would have said that to Sora or Kairi they would probably say I'm just being selfish.

We started walking around until we saw a carriage put up in front of the castle. Out stepped An old lady with a purple dress, a young girl with brown hair wearing and green dress, and last was a girl with ginger hair wearing a red dress. The one thing that caught me was that she was wearing a black shoe and a glass slipper. What the heck is going on here.

" Right this way ladies." A man in blue with an eye glass lead the ladies into the castle and the door was closed right behind them leaving no room for us to sneak in. "Come on guys let's go check it out." Sora stared walking towards the castle doors until Nuraya stopped him.

"I don't think that's a idea Sora." Kairi and Sora looked at Nuraya like she was crazy. "It won't hurt to look around." Nuraya hesitated for a moment before nodding her head. "I have to go check on something. You guys go on ahead." Nuraya walked away before anyone could say anything.

"Come on Riku. She'll be back soon. She can handle herself." Kairi said dragging me up to the castle and walking inside. Everyone was running around listing off things needed for something. "This wedding must be the wedding of the century!" A voice was heard from another room.

"I wonder who getting married? " Sora asked walking deeper into the castle. "I don't know, I've never been to this world before." I say looking around. "You there!" We all turn around to see a lady with a blue dress on looking at us. "Who are you and state your business." Kairi stepped up and smiled at the lady.

"I'm sorry, we were on our way to help with the wedding decorations." Sora and I looked at Kairi. Lying right through her teeth, but it's probably saving us. "Well don't be late anymore, get to the Grand Hall right away." She turned around and started to walk off again. "Nice Kairi."

Nuraya's P.O.V.

I remembered in birth by sleep that they were in the dark. Does that mean they're with him still. The step mother that haunted all children when they got step mothers, was now here. I was sitting up in the attic looking down from a shaft at the Prince and Anastasia dancing.

Ventus if you can hear me, please talk to me. I'm remembering more from our childhood, but it's still blurry. But the parts that I can remember, make me lonely without you or Lea. I miss you! Tears leaked out of my eyes.

"I will get you back." I say wiping the tears away. "I promise."

When I climbed down the stairs that went back outside, I looked around at all the busy people bringing in food and decorations. Suddenly I felt little pokes on my leg. "Huh?" Down on the ground was GusGus and Jaq looking up at me. I bent down and picked them up. "Hey guys. Did you need something?" They're so cute in real life!!!

"GusGus found your friends in the grand hall, and said they were worried about you." Can't survive without me for a few minutes huh guys. I sigh and begin walking, but my walk gets cut short by an unversed coming out of the ground.

I backed up a bit looking up at it, and almost as if it had motioned for me to follow it, I did. My feet started to go after it and follow it to where ever it was taking me. "Hey Lady, I don't think this is a good idea." GusGus said to me. "Don't worry I can handle myself."

Or could I?


I was going to leave you off here, but since I haven't updated in a while I thought it was a good idea to add more, soooo with out further due, enjoy the rest of the chapter. Don't forget to vote, comment, and fan.



Still in Nuraya's P.O.V.

"So little Nuraya came back to the real world?" The unversed was staring at me as his voice came from behind. It was like my heart stopped beating because of how frightened I was of that voice. "Well, it wasn't my choice to go play hide and go seek outside of our world. You're half the reason I went missing, isn't that right, Vanitus?"

His wicked chuckle filled the air. "I guess you're right. You have a dark side too, but you were to stubborn to let it go back then. Maybe your father can bring it out of you this time because you're older." I turned around to look at him. He looked just the same as he did back then, only a bit taller.

"It's kind of scary seeing how things are coming back to life again. Tell me, do you still have the power to control these things?" I ask pointing at the unversed. "Well they are my army. So I'd hope I could control them." Jaq and Gus were shaking in my hands. "Why don't you let the mice go so we can have a private chat." I bent down and put the two boys on the ground as they ran away.

"Are we really going to have that private chat? It doesn't seem like you." He laughed at my remark. "The little kiddies will only get in your way don't you think? I really don't want to fight you since you're still getting your memory back. You without your 'fun' move aren't so fun to fight."

I looked over at him as he removed his mask. My hands flipped up to my mouth at the sight of his big scar on his face. "When your brother beat me last time, this is what he did to me. When he comes back, I plan on giving him a gift in return for mine." My hands went back to my side as I looked down.

"Why can't you guys just leave him out of this. You've already done him in once, isn't that enough?!" Pure rage was coming off of me as I closed my eyes. "You put him through so much, and you want to put him through more. It's....It's disgusting!" Wind went by me and I flashed my eyes open only to see hair blocking my view.

"It's not him were only after." My breath hitched in my throat. "It's you too Nuraya. We have people in every world looking after you, Xehanort has even planed to bring all of the Organization 13 back. He's even thinking about bringing your brother's friend back from the darkness. What was his name again, Terra?"

This only made me more angry. "Your father wants to rule all of the worlds in darkness with his dear children by his side, but in order for that to happen he has to unlock the darkness inside of you." Vanitus backed up and looked at me. "See you around, Nuraya." He put his helmet on before backing away into a dark portal.

When I turn around to get ready to fight the unversed, I find it going back into the ground. "Unlock the darkness inside of me?" I mumble putting my handover my heart. "Nuraya!" Arms went around my waist as Riku's head went into my neck. "Where's the heartless, and the guy with the mask? Are you okay?" I nod my head looking at the place where the huge unversed stood. "It's coming."

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