Chapter Two - The King and Queen

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Riku's P.O.V.

I woke up to have something warm on my chest. When I looked down Nuraya had her head on my chest. I don't want to wake her up so I let her stay that way. To tell you the truth I kind of like it.

Soon she started to move and I knew she was waking up. She mumbled something but her head was still in my chest so I couldn't make it out very well.

Then there was a knock at the door. She woke up more and when she looked up and realized where she was her eyes went wide, and she punched me off my own bed.

She shot up and looked over the bed at my body. "Opps." She said while giggling. Another knock was heard from the door. I got up and walked to the door.

When I opened it Sora greeted me with a weird look. I forgot I was shirtless. "What do you need Sora?" I asked him

"King Mickey sent us a letter saying that he wanted to talk to us four." I looked at him when he said four. "What do you mean by four?"

"You, Nuraya, Kairi, and me." He said counting on his fingers. "The Gummi Ship will be here in an hour to pick us up. By the way I found this bag on the beach and it has Nuraya's name on it." Sora gave me the bag and waved goodbye and went to Kairi's house.

What could he want with Nuraya. She didn't have a Key Blade or did she? I walked of to where I last saw her. She was looking out the window at the water. "Can I talk to you before you get dressed?" She nodded her head and followed me to the living room.

We both sat on the couch.

Nuraya P.O.V.

Did he want to talk about how I got here or was it something else? He looked at the floor until he finally looked up at me.

"Do you have a keyblade?" He asked me looking curious.

"Well if this is a keyblade." I stood up and summoned that Key thing. "Than yes." I looked down at him. On his face was shock.

"We leave in an hour to see King Mickey. Oh I think this is yours." He handed me my tan messenger bag.

"Thanks. I'll be in the bathroom getting ready." I walked to his room and got my clothes then I went to the bathroom to change.

Once I closed the bathroom door I went though the bag he gave me. It mostly contained stuff from my apartment on Earth. Books, notebooks, pens, pencils, IPod and charger, more clothes of the outfit I was wearing, pictures, and some of my bathroom things (toothbrush hairbrush ect ect).

When all that stuff was out on the floor I saw that there was a medium sized dark velvet bag in one of the side compartments.

I carefully took it out, not knowing what was in it. When I unzipped it, glowing green bottles were in. They had labels on them say Elxiar and Potion. I counted 20 of each. How in the world did I get this bag? I don't remember packing any of this stuff. Did someone go into my apartment or did I summon this here with me?

When I was done putting the things back in my bag I changed into my clothes. Then I started to zip up my bag when Riku started yelling.

"Nuraya are you almost done?" His voice sounded like it came from the living room. "I'm coming." I say as I put the bag around me and walk down the hallway. When Riku came into view he was facing the door.

"King Mickey's going to pick us up on the beach in 5 minutes." He said holding the door open for me. Did I really take that long to get ready?

Sora's P.O.V.

I had walked over to Kairi's house to walk with her down to the beach. When we were almost to the beach I saw Riku and Nuraya. I wonder who that Nuraya person really is? She really doesn't talk to much around me so I wonder if she talks around Riku. After all he is the one who brought her to the hideout last night.

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