Chapter 12 - Starting the Flame

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Third Person's P.O.V.

"I'm turning in early." Nuraya says yawning and turning towards her room. "We have to talk about the things that went on at that castle." Riku said looking right at her. "I'll pass, you need it more than I do." She said rolling her eyes. "Fine your right. It's not like I know some of the things they have planed. You're the star of it all." He was now up on his feet walking towards her. "Leave me alone!" Nuraya screamed at him before slamming the door and locking it.

"Be that way!" Riku yelled back walking over to the couch again. "You know, you shouldn't push her all the time. She knows half of her pass, and from what it sounds, it was horrible." Kairi said to him getting a glass of water. "I don't care. That was in the past. Now she has her future to fight for!" He yelled to his friends. Inside her room, Nuraya flinched at his tone.

"He doesn't understand. Riku you might have gone through the darkness but, I'm the creator of it deep inside." She mumbled lying down on her bed.

Nuraya's P.O.V.

"No one understands better than me." Her voice again, my other side. "Someone understands. My brother does." I say back to her. "One question, Is your brother even here?" Her cockiness told me that she was smirking. "My brother is here, you just can't feel his light because you're clouded by darkness." I say lying a bit. Her darkness was slowly spreading into my light. "Say that all you want sweet cheeks, because that light won't stay way too long. I'll make that bright cloud blow away forever, and then you'll be in the dark corner."

What she had said scared me. Ven knew what it felt like to be put into the dark corner. From what it looked like on the game, it was lonely. I sat up looking around the room for the one thing I needed. Finding it in the drawer, I opened the book to the next chapter. "The secret legend. Once the light is unleashed, one must replace it by the same blood. If they're heart is filled with darkness, they will be replace with light. If the heart is full of light, it shall rest in the darkness. If by a slim chance the heart is filled with half of the both sides, the stronger side will stay forever." Tears came to my eyes looking over that once again. Every time I look at it, the tears and the feeling get worse.

She already makes me feel weak. Her voice traces around in my mind making me have doubt. She scares me, but I can't give up. I have to get Ven out of Sora so he can live his life, and doing that means I have to fight for the light for myself. No one can help me in that battle and I have a feeling I'm going to need it. "Nuraya! It's your turn to pick out the world!" Sora's voice is distant but loud over the thunder of the Gummy Ship. Closing the book and throwing it under the bed, I went outside and looked at them all.

Sad looks were coming my way. "What ever it is, I don't want to know." I say walking forward to the map on the table. I wanted to go to either Beast Castle or Perl Harbor. "Let's go to Beast castle." I say pushing in the coordinates and walk over to the fridge and pull out some strawberries and sit at the table. "If you keep giving me those looks, I'm going back to my room."

"Well, I'm sorry that we're worried about you." Riku said frowning but glaring at the same time. "I'm sorry too." I shut my mouth at the voice that came out of it. That's not mine. Looking down at my hand I notice that it wasn't mine either. "I told you I would blow the bright cloud away." With her final words, everything went black.

Riku's P.O.V.

"Nuraya?" I ask right before she falls over onto the ground. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask sitting next to her. She doesn't even move or respond. "Nuraya!" I yell shaking her a little. "Maybe King Mickey can help us." Kairi says going to the front and punching in the coordinates for Mickey's Castle.

"I wonder what's wrong with her. She seemed fine a second ago." Sora says looking down at her. "I don't know, but what ever it is, Mickey should know." I say picking her up and walking out the door before making my way around the castle, looking for Mickey. We found him in the library, looking over a big book.

"Mickey! Something is wrong with Nuraya." I shout trying to keep myself calm. He looked over at me and the down to her. "Oh no." He mumbled coming closer to us. I leaned down so he could look her over. "Well fellas, there's not much we can do to help her really."

"What do you mean by that?" Sora asked looking down at Nuraya.

"A long time ago her and her older brother, Ventus, got separated. Two years later, their father drawled out the darkness in Vens heart. The darkness was corrupted enough to make it's own person. This darkness was named Vanitas and became Xehanorts right hand man. After the war was slightly over, Ven had some how got himself trapped in the darkness. I never knew how, only that with people believing in him, he could return to us, or.."

"Or what Mickey? Tell us." I say looking at him. "Or if another heart took his place. The only difficulty about this was that it could only be a heart like his. Filled with the power of dark and the power of light. From the looks of this, they're trying to get her to give into the darkness. Even if she tries to release Ven that way, they could easily trap her and create the XBlade all over again. One part that I've read about that really stands out, is that when they do let everything loose, the stronger side will win and stay in the world forever. Nuraya would just be a figment of the past if she were to lose."

They're trying to lure her out. They are going to try to destroy her. Xehanorts is going to try to kill his other kid in place for more weapons. He's allowing her to have her memories back in hopes it will spark something unless, it already has.


8/15/14 Sorry for the really late update, I wanted to get my other story finished before i started focusing more on Seven and this one. Love you all! Thanks for reading! Sorry for the many errors and shortness!

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