Chapter 17 - Pranksters Paradise and The Country of Musketeers

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Chapter 17 - Pranksters Paradise and The Country of Musketeers

12/15/14- 1/4/15

Published 1/22/15

Nuraya's P.O.V.

"I need sleep." I tell Lea as I fall down. "You over did it." He says picking me up and taking us into the tress where he laid me down and covered me up with a blanket.

The stars were shining bright as Horses could be heard off in the distance. I settled on going to The Country of Musketeers.

You must be wondering something. How do we know which worlds were taking since we have no communication with my other friends? When I gave the key to Kairi I slipped her a note telling her which keys to take so we don't backtrack our steps.

The sooner we get this war over with, the sooner everyone gets to be happier. We will win.

I stared up at the stars thinking something's over as Lea slept.

We have to go into the realm of darkness to find Aqua. The big problem with that is, that place is huge and she could be anywhere. She might have even given into the darkness.

'No! I can't think like that!' I think turning over and shutting my eyes.

I don't really know too much about Terra really. The game doesn't show what happens, but that guy from the 3DS game looked a lot like him. It was scary when I saw that.

'We need a head start.' I think sitting up and putting my hand to the ground. I closed my eyes and though of just the darkness. I though of all the darkness that I had seen on Earth and all of the darkness I've seen here. I though of all of it.

I felt my hand go under a bit and when I opened my eyes a small portal had opened. Smoke surrounded it as I let of a bunch of heartless out.

'Do not harm anyone. Look for a girl with blue hair.' I tell them as the portal closed.

Sweat covered my face as I fell back. I've used too much. Everything went dark.

Kairi's P.O.V.

"There use to be a lot more world on here than this. What happened?" Riku asked looking back at us. I shrugged looking at my book as he sighed.

Nuraya gave me a note of all of the world we need to go to. She would take care of the rest. She even asked me to change the world settings. The worlds that she had listed were the only ones left on the screen.

3 worlds were left. She told me to go to a certain one last. Even if it means lying to Riku and Sora, I'll help her in any way I can.

"Must be a bug in the system." I say looking over at him. He nods before clicking on a world. Pranksters Paradise. Just the world she told me about. I hope you know what you're doing Nuraya.

I sigh walking outside before looking up. Before me were many light and big machines. I've only seen these thing in books from school. "This place is amazing." I say with a smile on my face.

Sora comes over at grabs my hand as he leads me over to a ride. "Ladies first." He holds the gate open with his hands pointing towards the horse. "Thank you." I say sitting on a horse. He walks over to me and holds my waist.

"Hey Riku!" Sora yells. Riku comes over shaking his head. "Can you start it for us." He grumbles something before pressing a button and turning around and leaning on the fence.

"I getting worried for him Sora. Here we are together and all lovey dove, and Nuraya is angry with him. He's so out of it and depressed and when we fight, he fights with anger." I say looking down at Sora. He nods. "Well I guess I could talk to him."

One World to Another COMPLETED(Kingdom Hearts Fan-Fic Riku love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz