Chapter Three - The New Journey

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After I tell the girls we're going to land they start laughing randomly. Okay. When the Gummi Ship landed we all walked down the ramp and into the castle. Once we all were in the throne room King Mickey and Queen Minnie were sitting in their chairs.

We all bowed just for good manors. "Hello fellows. I'm glad you four could make it here." Mickey smiled while standing from his chair.

~~~ Story Starts ~~~

Riku's P.O.V.

"You call and we're on the job Mickey!" Sora smiled big after he said this. "Glad to hear that Sora." Mickey chuckled.

"Why did you summon us King Mickey?" Kairi asked. Kairi was probably worried about what we had to do. She's only fought heartless once, and that was at The World That Never Was.

"Well Kairi, the worlds are in trouble again." Every one gasp. "What do you mean the worlds are in trouble? We saved them when Sora and I defeated Xemnes."

"There is a new darkness at bay Riku." Mickey replied. "One that has come from one of the past Keyblade war. One of you know all about the person who is behind this." He turned around to face Nuraya.

"Why are you looking at me King Mickey?" Nuraya look kind of nervous when she said this.
"Nuraya, do you know a man named Xehanort?" I was shocked to hear him ask a question like that to her.

Nuraya's P.O.V.

I had to act calm. Of course I knew him but only from the game I've never really met that man in my life.

"His name sound's familiar." I say trying to keep calm. What was he going to tell me?

"Well if you don't remember then I don't want to rush anything on you. I won't tell the others about your past. That is only your story to tell." Mickey told me.

What is he talking about? 'Don't remember, don't want to rush.' What does he mean? I was so confused in my own thoughts I didn't even know he began speaking again until Riku bumped into me. He only wanted to break me from my thoughts.

"This mission is going to be about gathering The 13 keys. Six light and seven dark. One will be in almost every world you go to. Heartless and nobody's will be active in this journey. Chip and Dale have left a map in the Gummi Ship for you." He explained.

"Then you will destroy Xehanort. You don't have to go in any order. You just need to go to every world on the map." Mickey added.

Once everything was said we all said our goodbye but Mickey stopped me. Riku heard him and wanted to stay but I told him to go to the Gummi Ship and I would be there soon.

"You want to talk to me Mickey?" I asked following him though the halls of the castle. "I wanna give ya something that might jog your memory." Jog my memory?

He opened a door that led to the library. Then he walked over to the large table in the middle. "This book here might help you. If it does tell me the next time that I go and check on you guys. Don't tell any of the others." He said handing me a book that was titled 'Keyblade War '.

"Thanks." I say with a smile and put the book in my bag and walk to the Gummi Ship.

~~ Back to the Gummi Ship ~~

"Hey Nuraya." I was greeted by Sora and Kairi

"Riku is in the control room setting the auto pilot." Kairi told me.

"Thanks I'll be in my room if you guys need me. I need to do something real quick." I tell them both and turn to go to my room. Once I was in my room I shut the door tight.

I sat on my bed and took my bag off to get the book from it, then I dropped my bag on the floor.
Suddenly the ship took off and me not being ready for the take off I fell of the bed with a loud thud. To make it even worse the book followed me and hit me in the head.

Riku shot though my door. "Are you okay?" He was taking the book off me and was looking at it. I quickly took it out of his hands and threw it under my bed and scooted in front of the opening.

"What was that for?" Riku asked.

"Umm it's a, it's a weird book and I don't want you to read." I say making up half of that in my head.
He only gave me a look and stood up offering that hand of his.

Then out of no where we hit a turbine in the air and we were now on my bed. He was on top of me only inches away from my lips. Just like the other day he leaned in a little more. He was so close to me when Sora popped up.

"Am I interrupting anything." His eyes were wide and his arms were out in front of him. Riku got up off me and grabbed my hand to pull me up.

Sora's P.O.V.

Riku ran in to Nuraya's room after he heard a loud boom. After he didn't come back I went to go check on them. But, I end up seeing him on top of her.

"Am I interrupting anything." After a freak out he got off her and helped her up. Kairi must have heard me and came over here because she was leaning over my shoulder to see what had happened. But she was too late.

Riku now had his hand behind his head messing with his hair, and Nuraya was beat red facing away a little with her hand up to her face.

"I'm sorry about that Nuraya. That was just from getting out of this world." Riku turned to Nuraya. She turned back to him still having a little red on her face. "Don't worry about it. It's not your fault it was the air's fault." She was now laughing.

"Will some one tell me what's going on?" Kairi asked. "Please." I turned to her and grabbed her and shut Nuraya's door so those two can work it out and took Kairi to the lounge to tell her what happen.

After I told her what I saw I let her reply. "We should totally get them together. They almost kissed if you wouldn't of said anything." She pushed me playfully with a smile on her face.

Kairi was right. They should date. We both started to work out a plan.

The plan: I would talk to Riku and tell him to ask her out. Nuraya already told Kairi she had feeling for Riku. We would let them be friends for a while and then we would hook them up.

Kairi's P.O.V.

Right after we talked over our little plan they both came into the lounge.

"Where are we going Riku?" I asked sitting on Sora's lap. Sora and I have been dating for a couple months.

"I set the auto pilot to Atlantica. It will take 2 days to get there." Riku said looking in the cabinet. He pulled out a bag of chip and sat down at the table.

"Can I share those with you I'm hungry?" Nuraya asked. Riku nodded his head and she sat across the table from him and started eating chips.

After a while of conversation I looked at the clock. It was 2 a.m. "Hey guys I'm going to go to bed." Before I could walk out of the lounge they all decided to do the same.

When everyone was in there rooms I went to one of the bathroom's. On my way back to my room I saw light under Nuraya's door. What could she be doing? I just ignored it and went to bed.

One World to Another COMPLETED(Kingdom Hearts Fan-Fic Riku love Story)Where stories live. Discover now