Chapter Four - Atlantica Part 1

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The four got to King Mickey's Castle only to be sent off on a journey to find 13 keys. 6 light keys and 7 dark keys to defate a man name Xehanort. Mickey pointed out something to Nuraya about her past but she doesn't get it. Before Nuraya left Mickey takes her to the library and gave her a book about the Keybalde War.

On the ship Nuraya fell of her bed when they hit a bump in the air. Riku rushed in to see if she was okay and he saw the book. She quickly took it from him and threw it under her bed. When they were back on their feet they hit another air bump and Riku fell on top of Nuraya. Riku about to kiss her, Sora speaks. Later on Kairi and Sora think of a plan to get them both together.

They await there landing in Alantica in 2 days.

~~~~ Story Starts  ( Two Days Later)~~~~

Riku's P.O.V.

"Everyone ready to go?" I asked. They all nodded. I look at Nuraya who has little bags under her eyes. "Did you stay up all night?" I snapped my fingers at her. She jumped. "What?" She asked looking at me.

"That answers my question." I say looking back at Sora and Kairi. "We landed on the water. Sora do you remember how to get a tail?" I look at Sora hoping that he will remember.

"Yeah you just go under water a swim a little. That's how I changed last time." He answered back.
I opened the door and jumped into the water as did the three of them. I then close the door to the Gummi Ship and shrunk it into the case Chip and Dale left in the control room.

We all went under water and started swimming. When light came we covered our eyes to open to our new looks. Sora had a blue tail, Kairi had a pink tail, Nuraya had red tail that was almost as red as her eye's, and I had a green tail.

Sora and I were use to swimming with a tail but Kairi and Nuraya were now going further and further into the depth of the ocean. We both swam down after them. Sora caught up to Kairi and had swooped under her to grab her.

I was going after Nuraya. "Riku!" She was yelling while trying to reach me. She was struggling like something was pulling her down. When I looked closer it was the two eels pulling on her tail.

"Sora, Kairi! Nuraya in trouble!" I yell up to them and they quickly start swimming after me. I was way ahead of them by now finally catching up to them. When they saw me they just dropped her on the ocean floor.

I swam up to her to see that she was knocked out. They must've stung her until she knocked out. I grabbed her bridal style and swam her up until we met with Kairi and Sora.

"We should go find the castle maybe we can gather information there." Kairi stated. I nodded my head.

~~~ At the Castle ~~~

"Sora and Riku it's been a long time." We turned around to see Flounder.

''You've grown Flounder. Do you know where we can find Ariel?" Sora asked.

"Yeah she live in the castle above the Sea with her husband and daughter. I could take you there if you want." Flounder offered us.

"That'd be great." I say

After awhile Flounder broke the silence. "So who are the two girls you have with you?"

"Oh this is Kairi." Sora said holding Kairi's hand to help her swim. "And that's Nuraya.'' He said pointing to her in my arms.

"Well nice to meet you Kairi." Flounder greeted. Kairi smiled and nodded. "But what happened to Nuraya?" Flounder looked over at me.

"She got stung by eels when we got here and dragged to the bottom of the ocean." I reply back.

"Maybe Ariel can help. But she might have marks on her human legs when she changes back." When he told me this I got a little mad inside. Scars?

We had all finally gotten to the beach. When we stuck our head out of the water we all changed back into our human form. With our clothes on.

"Thanks Flounder." Sora waved him goodbye as he went back under the water.

I still had Nuraya in my arms. As we walked up the beach to the stairs that led to the castle, Nuraya shift in my arms a little bit. I sat her down on the sand and motioned Sora and Kairi to go on.

Nuraya's P.O.V.

I grabbed my legs and winced in pain. My pants were in shreds where I was stung. "I'll be fine." I tell Riku as I stand up, but fall right back down. Riku caught me. "I'm sorry I couldn't get to you before they stung you." He said looking at my legs.

"Don't worry. My legs are a little fazed they just need some time to rest and I'll be using them like their brand new." I touched his cheek a little then I quickly took my hand away.

He picked me up once again and we walked up the stair to reveal a castle.

"Nuraya. What was that book really about?" I looked up at him and sighed. "You can't tell anyone alright?" He stopped and looked at me. " I promise."

"I'll tell you later when we're alone." He nodded and started walking again.

"Riku!" He turned around to see Kairi waving from a hallway. "Ariel has something that will help Nuraya." After she said this Riku started walking more faster. Does he really like me?

When we got into the room there was a bed and other things you would see in a bedroom. Riku played me down on the bed.

"We'll be outside." Sora said pulling Riku and Kairi. Then Ariel came in will something in her hand.
"This might sting just a little." She warned me while putting what looked like lotion on her hands. As gentle as she could she rubbed the cream on my legs. I was wincing in pain.

"Just let it set for 30 minutes or so and I'll fix a nice hot  bath." She told me when she was finished. "Thank you Ariel."

"Just stay put I'll tell your friends that they can come in." I nodded my head as she walked out.
I heard them talking though the door. They were going to let Riku and I have some alone time while they go around and gather information about any object that could turn into a Keyblade.

Riku walked in and sat on the side of my bed. "Is this a good time to tell me what the book is about?" He asked.

I sat up and leaned against the pillows.

 "I haven't read the book yet because every time I'm about to start one of you come in. Mickey told me that the book could help me remember more about my past. I don't understand. I remember my past clearly. Unless that past was fake." I say with a sad look on my face.

"Or maybe something happened in your past you don't want to remember and you just wrote over it in you head." Riku suggested. I looked up at him. He could be right. Maybe something happened that was so big that it ruined my life and I never wanted anything to do with it.

"If that's so, how does that connect me to Xehanort?" I looked in his eye's.

"Whatever it is I'll be with you until the end." He started to lean. My face was probably as red as a cherry right now. I didn't stop him this time and I closed my eyes. I felt his breath on my face and then it was gone. My eyes opened slowly.

"I'm sorry." He looked as if he thought I didn't want him near me. I wanted to be like why do you do that. We're so close and you move away! But all I did was look out the window.

Riku's P.O.V.

"Why are you always saying sorry?" I looked at her. She had a sad look in her eyes.
I couldn't stand that look so I grabbed her arm and pulled her into an actually kissed  this time. When I broke the kiss she was now smiling. "I just thought you didn't feel the same way." I answered her question.

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