you hog the blankets

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After a busy day and a good twenty minutes spent tossing and turning restlessly, Jennie was so relieved to finally feel herself drifting off to sleep.

The air is starting to turn cold since the season changed. Tonight seems to be the coldest one yet and to stay warm she wrapped herself in her coziest blanket she could find tucked away in the closet.

And finally, she was feeling tired and cozy enough to sleep. She hugged the blanket to her chest, just about to fall into a deep and peaceful slumber when, suddenly, the blanket was starting to be pulled away from her.

It started slow; just an inch here and there. She draped what she could around her because she still had most of it and she kept her heavy eyes closed.

But soon enough it'd been pulled off of her completely and she was shivering from the sudden chill.

"Y/N," she whined and tugged at the edge of the blanket in hopes that she'd be able to simply pull it off of you. But your grip was tight and she knew right away that it wasn't gonna be easy to get off of you.

"Y/N, give me my blanket back. It's cold." She mumbled as she shook your side.

You stirred and lifted your cheek from your pillow. Slowly, you opened your eyes but take watched them close instantly once more because of how peacefully you'd been sleeping and how sleepy you still felt.


"It's me, baby. I know you're tired so I won't keep you awake. But you stole my blanket and I'm cold and exhausted so I just want it back," she spoke the last part softly, to try to tell you that she wasn't upset; just tired and wanting nothing more than to be back under the covers and to sleep.

But you were so sleepy you just fell straight back asleep. You just hummed softly to let her know that you'd heard, but you were just too out of it to let the words sink in.

"Babe, c'mon. Wake up, my love." She whispered.

"No," you whined and pushed her hands away.

"Alright, fine. If you don't give me my blanket back I will have no other choice but to curl up to you and lay my cold fingers and toes right on your skin." She warned and just like she thought, your eyes opened quickly and you lifted up a little so she could pull her blanket away.

"Thank you very much, baby girl."

You blinked a few times to try to adjust to the darkness, only to make sure she hit cozy under the covers again.


"Yeah, baby?"

She laid her cheek on her pillowcase and met your eyes. She reached over and brushed a lock of hair behind your ear and then caressed your cheek.

"I'm sorry I stole your blanket. I didn't mean to hog them and make you cold."

She shook her head and then kissed your temple. Her lips lingered on your skin for a second before she trailed them down to kiss your lips.

"It's alright. Everything's okay now."

"If you're still cold we can cuddle, but only as long as you promise not to touch me with your cold fingers and toes."

She giggled and pulled you into her arms. Your head fell to her shoulder. Your heart fluttered and your skin tingled when she brushed her fingertips along your side, but they were warm and soft.

"Close your eyes. We're both tired, so we should both get some rest. I love you so much."

"Love you too. Sleep well, Jennie."

She bit her lip as she closed her eyes, knowing that she'd sleep much better now that she was cozy under the covers and had you to hold onto.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now