she's cold

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"What are you doing all the way over there?" Jennie asked as she patted her lap. "Cuddle with me."

As the movie began to play, you laid your head down on her lap and let your worries drift away. It's your day together and she has a lot of different ideas about how to spend it, and she wanted to start with some good movies you've been waiting to see together.

Usually, you enjoy the soft and comforting brush of her hand along your skin. But this time you jolted a little as her fingers landed on your stomach. "Your fingers are cold!" You laughed and wiggled out of her arms and when you did, she shivered.

"You're cold?" You asked and started to rub her arms. Your warm touch made her shiver once more. "I have an idea!" You started to get up, much to her dismay.

"No, don't go." She whined as she wrapped her arms around your stomach and held onto you a little tighter. You laughed when she hummed against your neck. "You're warm." She mumbled and kissed your cheek and as much as you wanted to stay there forever, you still something else would warm her up even more.

"I'll be back in just a moment. I promise." You kissed her cheek and rushed up the stairs, returning a moment later with something you knew she'd love.

"Here, baby girl. This should help." You smiled and held the hoodie out for her to take. She accepted it happily and put it on, all while her heart fluttered in her chest.

"You look so cute!" You chuckled and kissed the tip of her nose, giggling as she scrunched her nose up and put her hand on your back. "Are you warmer now?"

"A little," she replied then smirked as she pushed her lips to yours. Her kisses were soft but passionate too and you melted right into each one she gave you.

"Now I'm warmer." She said, giggling adorably when your cheeks flushed. You let your head fall to her shoulder and you brushed your hand along her side to ensure that she stayed warm and cozy.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now