confessions (requested)

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You couldn't help the sad sigh that fell from your lips when you heard those familiar footsteps on the stairs. You looked at the clock on the nightstand and found that it was nearing midnight. Jennie was just now arriving home after her busy day.

You fought back the smile that was tugging at your lips as she appeared in the bedroom and tried to ignore the flutter in your heart when you saw her face. Despite how hard she's been working, she still took your breath away.

"Hey," you said, only for her to roll her eyes and grumble a 'hello' back to you.

She kicked off her shoes, mumbling that she was going to take a shower and for you to not wait up for her. Even though she told you not to, you knew you wouldn't be able to fall asleep without her by your side.

Although you don't know why, considering the fact that you're sure she wouldn't ever feel the same way when it came to you.

You stared at the ring on your hand. The titanium band around your finger with the bright stone in the center has begun to take your breath away. At first, you despised that thing. It was a promise of forever. That's probably something beautiful and sentimental to some, but considering your marriage was arranged, it wasn't to you.

At least, not at first.

You and Jennie got married less than a month ago. You couldn't stand her at first. Living with her wasn't easy. You fought a lot and struggled to sleep in the same bed. But somewhere along the way, the bickering stopped and you've adjusted to it all.

Or, at least, you have.

In fact, you've adjusted a little too much.

Over the last couple of weeks, you've begun to fall in love with her.

Forever with her sounded dreadful at first, but now you're beginning to wonder - would forever be enough? When it's with her that you get to spend it with, you doubt it could ever be.

But Jennie still doesn't seem all that thrilled to be with you. While you're pining for her and trying to get closer, you can't help but feel like she still despises you. You feel like she couldn't care less about you. As though you're the only one that is actually in love in this marriage.

You got so caught up in your own thoughts that you didn't even hear the water turn off or the door open. You didn't notice Jennie was done with her shower until she appeared back in the bedroom.

She was killing you. Dressed in only one of her long and baggy shirts, she looked almost irresistible. But you had to control yourself. You had to pretend she was the complete opposite as she got into bed, sighing as she sat down on the mattress.

"Thought I said not to wait up for me."

Your eyes locked with her big brown ones and you could've sworn you actually saw them sparkle for a second, that you almost saw her crack a little smile when she realized you waited up for her.

But if what you saw was real, it was gone within a heartbeat and replaced with that same agitated look again.

"You should know by now that I don't listen to you."

She scoffed and laid down. As she reached for the blanket, her hand brushed yours. You both stared at each other for a moment and you tried to mask the fast beat of your heart in your chest over the simple brush.

"Whatever, y/n." She sighed. "I'm exhausted so I'm going to sleep."

She reached over to turn off the lamp, only to stop when you spoke up.


"What?" She asked, craning her neck to look back at you.

"We should talk first."

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now