what am I supposed to do if there's no you? (requested)

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The girls walked into your hospital room and walked to Jennie's side.

It's been almost a month since the tragic evening took place.

The one where the drunk driver nearly took your life.

You're barely hanging on.

If it weren't for the life support you're hooked up to, there's no way you'd be breathing right now.

It's the only thing keeping you alive and since it's been so long without you showing any sign of even possibly recovering, the doctors want to pull the plug.

Jennie is adamant that they don't. She sits beside your bed, hand in yours, swearing that she won't let them do that.

Through the tears in her eyes, she begs for you to wake up every day. She begs for you to squeeze her hand and for you to open your eyes. But you never do.

The girls feel so helpless.

The conversation the three of them had to have just the other day was so incredibly painful, causing them to shed tear after tear.

But they knew that you were barely even there with them anymore, that you were ready to go, and they knew they had to somehow convince Jennie to let you go.

"Hey, Jen," Lisa whispered as she came up behind her, hugging her friend tightly in comfort.

Rosie and Jisoo took seats beside her, pulling the chairs up to your bedside.

They saw the bags under Jennie's eyes, the dark circles that show no sign of going away any time soon.

Her eyes are full of sadness. She hasn't smiled, not even just a tiny little bit, since she arrived here.

The girls have had to pull her away to take her home so she'll shower because she refuses to leave your side.

"Jennie, have you thought more about what the doctors said?" Jisoo asked.

"I'm not doing it," Jennie mumbled sternly, jaw clenched as tears stung her eyes.

"Jennie, we have to face it. I know it's hard, I can't imagine how hard it is on you, but she's not going to recover from this. It's been almost a month and she hasn't opened her eyes even once. She hasn't done anything. She's hurting." Rosie mumbled.

Jennie looked at the three of them with tears in her eyes.

"I can't do it."

"She needs to be free, Jen. We have to let her go." Lisa encouraged as she squeezed Jennie's shoulder.

"You don't want her to be like this forever, do you? She can't even breathe on her own. The doctors have already said there's no chance of her pulling through. You don't want her to suffer, do you?"

"No." Jennie whimpered.

"Jen, you know what we have to do," Rosie said.

"No! I can't. I can't do it." Jennie sobbed.

"You can. She deserves to let go." Jisoo said as she blinked away her tears, trying so hard to be strong for her friend.

Jennie hung her head as she kissed your fingers.

She knew they were right. She's known that they've been right from the moment the girls encouraged her to let you let go the very same day the doctors said there was no chance you'd pull through.

She felt a little delusional every time she tried to keep hope because part of her knew this was the end.

But she tried to keep hope because she felt like if she didn't, she was giving up on you. She never gives up on you.

A shaky breath fell from her lips, a tear fell down her cheek before she sobbed and clutched your hand tighter than before.

"I don't want to let her go." She cried. "There has to be some other way. She has to be okay."

"Jennie," Jisoo sighed sadly. "It's time to let her go."

She sat in silence for a moment, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Can I have a few minutes with her?"

"Of course," Rosie said before standing up.

One by one, the three girls got up to go to your side to hug you one last time and say a few words they hoped you'd hear that they needed to tell you, such as how much they love you, how they'll never forget you, how thankful they were that Jennie had found you because you'd always been there for them too.

They squeezed Jennie's shoulder in comfort before they left the room, letting her have a few final minutes with you.

"I hope you can hear me, my love. Because there's a lot I need to tell you." She whispered. "I wish I didn't have to do this. But I know the doctors and the girls are right. I know this is what I need to do. Because I don't want you to hurt anymore."

She stared at your hand and closed her eyes to think back the times she actually felt you wrap your fingers around hers, squeezing hers right back when she squeezed yours.

"I love you." She sniffled. "I love you more than I've ever loved anyone or anything in my life. You make me so happy. It hurts to imagine life without you. Exploring and adventuring around the world, around all the places you wanted to visit. It hurts to think about all of those things that you dreamt of doing. There was so much you wanted to do, and, baby, I'm so sorry that you didn't get to."

She closed her eyes tightly, a few tears streaming down her cheeks.

"What am I supposed to do without you? You're my best friend. I know I have the girls. I know I have my family and my friends and the fans but... you're the one I love the most. I don't think I'll ever find the happiness with anyone else that I felt with you."

Her heart shattered in her chest. It all hurt so much.

"I know I have to let you go, but I hope you know that I will never forget you. Everyone is going to know how amazing you are, how lucky I was to have been able to love you. You'll always be so loved. By me, the girls, the fans, your family, and mine. I promise you, there'll never be a day where I don't think about you,"

She paused so she could catch her breath as she sobbed through every word that fell from her lips.

"I hate the thought of losing you... but you deserve to be happy and I don't want you to hurt. So I'm going to let you go. I'm going to let you be free. You deserve that." She cried, her tears falling onto your hand that she held to her lips. "This isn't goodbye. Okay? I promise you."

She opened her eyes and watched for a moment as your chest rose and fell with every breath that you took, thanks to the machine.

"I love you, darling. I always have and I always will. Thank you for all the happiness you've given me. Thank you for all the memories we made together. I'll cherish them all for the rest of my life. I'll never forget you. But I'm going to let you go now. I love you so much." She sniffled and kissed your hand a few times before she dropped it, just as the door opened.

The girls walked inside, the doctors following.

"It'll be alright, Jen," Jisoo said as Jennie almost collapsed, crying into Jisoo's neck as she heard the flatline over the machine.

The girls all helped her out of the room, where Jennie fell onto her knees, sobbing harder than ever before.

They held her close, swearing they'd never let her go as they cried with her, all of them missing you terribly already.

But they knew what they'd done was right, Jennie included.

She'd never be the same though. She'd never forget you. She'd never stop loving you.

She just hopes, wherever you are, that you're happy and free now. It's what you deserve.

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