you snap at her (requested)

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"Good morning, darling," Jennie smiled as she watched you walk into the kitchen.

You didn't say anything back to her as you went to the cabinet, reaching for your favorite cereal with a yawn.

Jennie didn't take the silence in response personally because she knows you must not be feeling very well due to the fact that you haven't been sleeping more than a couple of hours each night and you're under a lot of stress.

She just brushed it off.

"I have to go to practice in a few but since you have the day off and I won't be home very late, I was thinking that you and I could have dinner together and watch a movie or two tonight." She suggested as she came up behind you.

Putting her arms around you, she brushed her lips across your shoulder ever so softly, giving you some of the most loving and gentle kisses that you've had in a long while.

But you weren't in the greatest mood on this early and tiring morning and you weren't exactly in the mood to be hugged and kissed like this.

"Stop." You said as you pulled away from Jennie.

"Are you okay?" She asked as you turned around.

"No, Jen. I'm exhausted and I need some space! Stop holding me and kissing me, just leave me alone! I just want to eat some food and then go back up to bed. I don't care what we do or if you stay late at practice tonight or not. I just want some space!"

She hadn't expected you to snap at her or to be so rude.

But she just nodded her head and grabbed her keys off the counter.

"I know you're under a lot of stress with your college exams and I know you're low on sleep but that doesn't mean that you need to snap at me. I'm only trying to be here for you and find ways to cheer you up. But if that's how you feel, then fine."

She put her phone in her pocket and grabbed her Chanel bag before she walked out the front door.

You put your head on the counter with a groan, immediately regretting all of the things you said.

She was right and, truthfully, you hadn't meant anything that you said.

You just don't feel like yourself right now.

You closed your eyes and thought about everything you said as the guilt and sadness rushed over you while the hurtful words played through your brain again and again.

You knew that you had to apologize and since communication is so important to you and Jennie, you grabbed your phone and texted Jennie.

"I know what I said was wrong and I'm sorry. Please come home so we can talk this out."

Since Jennie hadn't made it that far and had a little time before she had to be in practice still, she read your text when she hit a red light and turned around to head back home to you.

You sat down on the sofa and waited for her to walk through the door and when she did, you lifted your head and stared into her eyes.

She sat down beside you, allowing you to put your hand on her thigh as she breathed out a long sigh.

"I'm truly sorry for what I said. You didn't deserve any of that. I love it when you hug me and kiss me, I hope you know that. I'm just so tired and under a lot of stress and pressure and I just needed a little space. I shouldn't have said it that way though. It was wrong and hurtful and I'm terribly sorry."

"I know." She said with a small smile. "I know you're struggling right now and it's okay to need some space and time to yourself but just tell me that politely."

"I will from now on, I promise." You said as she took your hand from her thigh and squeezed it comfortingly.

"Good. Because you hurt my feelings a little."

"I know I did but I swear, I'd never do that on purpose. I love you too much." You said as you kissed her cheek softly, making a smile pull at her lips.

"I love you too." She smiled. "I have to go in a minute but I forgive you. Just don't do it again. Okay?"

You nodded and put your lips on hers, giving her a loving kiss.

"Catch up on some sleep today. You need it, you little grump." She teased as she kissed the tip of your nose, making you giggle.

"I will. Can we still have dinner and watch some movies when you get home tonight?"

"I'd love to." She replied with a sparkle in her eyes before she pulled you in for a hug. "We've talked it all out. Everything's okay now, so don't worry too much. Just get some sleep and relax for the day. I'll be home before you know it."

"I love you."

"I love you more." She said and gave you one more kiss before she got up and walked back out the door.

And before she walked out, she blew you a kiss and then a wink, her mood now much brighter than earlier.

You just felt grateful that everything was fine between you now, all because you talked things out, just as you always do.

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