I love you - part two (requested)

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It's been a few weeks since that day.

It's been hard for you to keep going forward when your heart is completely shattered. It's been so hard on you that you've struggled to even get out of bed and live your life, even though you have no choice to.

It's hard to dry your tears long enough to make it through a day of work. It's hard to put on smiles for the ones around you, hoping they wouldn't see just how crushed you truly feel.

But even more so, it's been hard to see Jennie call and text you and plead for you to talk to her, and the same with the girls. You reject every call and every text from all four of them. It's too overwhelming for you.

It's been painful enough already.

Having to hear them say they're sorry or hear Jennie say she just wants to talk and be friends would be much too difficult.

Tonight, your friends had enough to see you curled up in bed with Netflix on and takeout on your table.

They practically pulled you out of bed and had you get dressed so you could go out.

They swore it'd make you feel better, promising that they wouldn't leave your side or pressure you into anything. You just needed some air, some time out of the house.

Secretly, they dragged you to the club in an attempt to get you to move on, hoping you'd meet someone who wouldn't break your heart so terribly.

But they didn't want you to know that, of course.

You walked through the doors and went right up to the bar, in desperate need of a drink or two.

You took a seat, promising you'd meet up with your friends in a bit.

You swallowed the first one down pretty quickly and started on a second. It numbed the pain you felt a little, which felt nice since you've felt too much of it over the last few weeks.

You were only a few sips through it when you heard four very familiar laughs.

You turned your head and saw the girls walking through the doors of the club.

Lisa was the first one to lock eyes with you and she froze, causing the girls to look over where she was staring.

Jennie's breath hitched. She wanted to walk over to you right away, but the girls pulled her back as you returned to your drink.

"Jennie, stop. Let her be for a few minutes." Rosie said and Jennie just sighed before nodding her head.

It's been a few tough weeks for her too.

Coming to the realization of how she felt about you, of how truly in love with you she is, wasn't easy.

Not because she didn't want to feel that way about you but because she had already broken your heart and you shut her out and telling you about how she felt obviously wasn't going to be an easy thing to do.

They let loose pretty quickly, having some fun on the dance floor for a little while.

Jennie was dying to talk to you, but she knew Rosie was right.

She didn't want to rush over and possibly scare you off by making you wonder if she might want to talk to just break your heart worse.

So she let you be.

But she kept her eyes on you the entire time, unashamed to even admit now that she was mesmerized by you.

However, it seemed that she wasn't the only one.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now