so close - part two (requested)

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You arrived home just a few minutes later. You sat on your sofa with your head in your hands, wondering what would happen with your friendship with Jennie now.

Even though she said how she felt first, you worried she didn't really mean it. Especially considering her reply to Jisoo.


It stung a little, especially when you've been dreaming of that moment with her and you finally came so close to it coming true.

Your phone wouldn't stop vibrating, but you were too in your head to care about whoever was calling, which you knew was Jennie.

You reached for it just as it stopped ringing. You were just about to call her back when, suddenly, your front door opened.

You were surprised to find Jennie standing there, keys jingling in her hand as she stared at you.

"You weren't answering your phone so I let myself in." She explained then closed the door behind her. She took a seat beside you, her eyes instantly locking with your sad ones.

"You left."

"I'm sorry, Jennie. I just got a little scared."

"Of what?" She asked, her voice still so soft, much like her eyes as she kept them on you and only you.

"You answered Jisoo so quickly, your answer being something I didn't really expect. You said nothing was going on. I guess I got worried that, maybe, you didn't really love me. That maybe you were just caught up in the moment."

"No, y/n, that's so not true." She sighed and took your hands gently into hers. "I'm sorry I made you feel that way. I knew if I told Jisoo what was going on, our first kiss was going to be shared in front of three other people. I don't want that for our first kiss. You deserve better."

She stroked your cheek lovingly, her eyes sparkling when she saw you smile a little.

"And everything I said back there, I meant with all of my heart. You know I'd never lie to you and I never say things I don't mean with you."

"Good." You sighed in relief. "because I meant all I said, too."

She giggled and the sound made your heart skip a beat.

"So... it's just you and I in your quiet little home now." She said with a smirk starting to tug at her lips. "I think we should finish where we left off before we were so rudely interrupted."

You nodded your head, chuckling as your heart hammered against your chest in excitement and anticipation.

She put her arm around you and pulled you closer. Her eyes closed, her lips just inches from yours.

You closed your eyes and felt her lips touch yours just a second later.

Instantly, you melted. You found yourself wrapping your arms around her neck to bring her even closer to you. Your lips moved in perfect sync, sparks flying all around you.

Just as you assumed, the kiss was the best one you've ever had. It was all so perfect; her warm and soft lips on yours, the way she kissed you romantically and sweetly, and the fact that it was with her that you were sharing this beautiful moment with. You never wanted anything more.

You knew that she's all you ever want from this moment on.

She slowly pulled away, her lips tugging into a big, beautiful smile as she did.

"That's the best kiss I've ever had." She whispered softly.

"Same here." You smiled and she leaned in again, pecking your lips a few times. "I love you, Jennie."

She thought her heart might just stop as the words left your lips again.

"I love you y/n."

You leaned in again but suddenly pulled away with wide eyes when the realization hit you.

"Wait! Aren't you supposed to be at practice?"

"Yeah. But I told the girls everything and they encouraged me to come right to you."

"Well, now that we've worked things out, you should probably go back. Don't want you to get into trouble, especially because of me."

"In a minute." She said as she leaned in again. "Let me soak in a few more minutes with my girlfriend."


"Well, I love the sound of that." You whispered against her lips as they hit yours again, her hand brushing along the small of your back as she brought you in for another perfect kiss.

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