first 'I love you'

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You awoke to a soft kiss being placed to your cheek before another was laid against your other cheek.

Instantly, a smile appeared on your face before you even opened your eyes, and it only grew when you felt a soft kiss on your lips.

"Good morning, baby girl, and happy six month anniversary!"

Her eyes were bright as you opened your own. You parted your lips, ready to repeat the words back to her only for Jennie to place her index finger over your lips.

"I made breakfast. Why don't you go brush your teeth then meet me in the kitchen?"

You nodded happily and wrapped your arms around her neck to bring her in for one more short but sweet kiss before you jumped out of bed excitedly and rushed into the bathroom to brush your teeth.

Once your breath was minty fresh you went to your nightstand and opened the drawer to pull out the gift for Jennie before rushing down the stairs and into the kitchen. A delicious smell was in the air; one that made you close your eyes and breathe it in as your mouth began to water.

You only opened your eyes when Jennie hugged you from behind. Arms wrapped around your waist, lips touching your neck softly as she breathed out a contented sigh.

"So? Do you like it?" She whispered against your neck, laying a few little butterfly kisses against your skin as you took a good look around the kitchen. A few of your favorite breakfast foods and your favorite flowers all around. Some rose petals by your feet and some on the table.

"It's so romantic. So beautiful."

"Like you!"

You turned around and went to wrap your arms around her neck, only to remember that you had a small box in your hand. Her eyes went wide when she saw it.

"I got you something too. Why don't you sit down while I grab it for you?"

You took a seat at the table and put the tiny velvet box aside. Sitting around waiting for her with so many delicious foods surrounding you was nearly impossible and just as you were about to get up and tear into something, she came down with a much bigger box in her hand.

Your eyes went wide. It wasn't exactly gigantic, but it wasn't small like the necklace you had made for her was.

"Open yours first." You spoke and watched her place the box onto the counter. Taking her by her hand, you brushed your thumb in circles along her palm which made her giggle happily.

"I wasn't sure what to get you so I had something made instead. Something special and wonderful, like you." You kissed her cheek and grinned brightly at her. "Open it!" You bounced on your heels, unable to wait for even another second to see what she thought of it.

Feeling just as excited as you, she opened it quickly to see a beautiful necklace inside. In the shape of a heart, the chain was beautiful rose gold.

"Oh, y/n..."

"It's a locket. Look inside!"

Your enthusiasm was heartwarming and, if possible, only made her even more excited to open it.

Pulling it open, she saw 'together forever' and a picture of the two of you inside. From when you were on your recent trip to Paris, posing in front of the Eiffel tower as you kissed her cheek. It's one of her favorite photos and the idea of having it in a locket that she can wear everywhere made her heart swell with... love.

"Can you put it on me, baby?"

You nodded and had her gather her long locks in one of her hands so you could clip the necklace together.

"Do you like it?"

"Like it?" She chuckled, taking your hands. "I love it! And..."

She wanted to say the words so badly. They were on the tip of her tongue, ready to fall like they've been a thousand times before!

But she would ruin your gift if she let them fall from her lips now and she didn't have it in her to do that when she tried to make this day, and this moment, so special.

"And, it's time for you to open your gift."

Kissing your cheek, she went to the counter where the big box was at.

It was wrapped perfectly; not surprising though, because you're almost certain that your girlfriend is perfect at everything.

"Like you had my locket made special, I also had this made special for you. I really hope that you'll love it."

"I know I will. Because it's from you."

She rolled her eyes playfully at your sweetness before nodding toward the box. "Open it!"

You tore the wrapping paper off and inside held a sweet bear. With a tiny white tee that had a photo similar to the one inside Jennie's locket. But this one was taken by Lisa, who often takes pictures of you and Jennie; some planned, some more spontaneous.

This one was your favorite. One where you were both grinning from ear to ear, leaning in close for a kiss but your lips weren't quite brushing against each other's yet. It was a beautiful photo, one of your favorites; and Jennie knew that.

"I love this photo!" You smiled as you looked up at her.

"Me too! But... did you notice the words on there?"

You furrowed your eyebrows and looked back down, only to be left speechless when you noticed the three little words that you've been waiting to find the moment to say yourself.

"Jennie," you looked up at her once more, breath hitching in your throat when she took your hand and suddenly let the three words spill from her lips in a rush.

"I love you!" She took in a shaky breath and squeezed your hand. "I love you so much, y/n. I can't imagine my life without you. Sometimes it gets a little hectic and I get a little overwhelmed but I know that you're always here for me. You make me so happy. I love you... endlessly."

Tears stung your eyes. You've been waiting for a moment like this for a long time. You've tried to find the right words to say or the right moment but you knew there couldn't ever be one more perfect than this.

"I love you too."

Her eyes lit up, her lips pulling into the most heartwarming smile you've ever seen before.

You looped one arm around her neck and placed your other hand on her cheek, brushing your thumb across her smooth skin. She leaned into your touch, lips brushing against your palm a few times as she wrapped her fingers around yours.

"I love you more than words can ever say."

She brushed the top of her nose against yours and then kissed your lips.

The kiss was a little more passionate than the one you shared just minutes ago, but it was still soft and still loving. You could still feel your heart beating in your chest and the quick best of her heart against yours.

"I love you so much, y/n. So, so much."

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now