I'll keep you safe (requested)

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You walked a little faster and tightened Jennie's hoodie that you had on as you continued to walk home, needing the warmth and the comfort it gives you now more than ever.

It's late and dark and you just got off of work. Jennie was supposed to pick you up but she wasn't there when you walked outside and she wasn't answering your calls or texts. Because you had a long day, you just want to get home and you decided you'd walk there.

Jennie doesn't like when you walk home.

She hates the neighborhood your job is in altogether.

It's in a bad part of town and it always makes her feel uncomfortable as she drives through it. So much so that she never comes to drop you off or pick you up alone, just so she won't be alone when you're out of the car.

You know she'd flip if she found out you're walking through it late at night and all by yourself.

But you don't want to wait any longer to get home, so you decided you'd just walk fast and take your chances.

You're about twenty minutes from arriving home. Your feet are moving fast across the sidewalk and you keep looking in every direction because you don't want to let your guard down.

You feel like someone is watching you.

You keep trying to brush off the feeling, telling yourself that you're just uncomfortable and it's only in your head and you'd be home safe and sound in just a little while.

But you could hear their footsteps behind you and you could tell they were walking faster as you did the same in hopes that they could catch up to you.

Your heart was pounding and you were about to start running when you heard what sounded like a very loud pop coming from nearby.

The sound almost made you jump out of your skin. You stopped to look around and see where it was coming from when you heard it again.

And this time around, you were hit with the worst pain you've ever felt in your life. It was so excruciating that it took you to the ground and you gasped loudly.

You put your hand on the spot it was coming from and pulled it away a second later to find your hand covered in blood.

By the time it hit you, you were met with the terrifying realization that the person that's been following you was now right behind you.

You reached into your pocket to grab your phone, only for them to kick it out of your hand. You heard the screen crack as it hit the sidewalk and then heard the clear sound of the person stepping on it to shatter it.

You heard the trigger being pulled once more and you screamed for help at the top of your lungs.

You saw a porchlight turn on, the house you were near had heard the commotion and in fear of being caught, whoever it was just running away.

By the time you heard footsteps on the ground as people came out of their houses and rushed to you, you were losing consciousness.

You felt groggy, your eyes heavier than ever.

Someone was holding your hand, promising that help was on the way as they begged for you to keep your eyes open for them.

But you couldn't. You felt so tired and you couldn't fight it.

And then, everything turned black.

It was the sound of a continuous beeping that woke you and made your eyes open.

You could hear the sound of sobs coming from close by. You felt fingers intertwined with yours and what felt like tears fell against your arm.

You looked to where the cries were coming from and you saw that it was Jennie who was letting them out. She was clutching your hand for dear life as tears fell from her eyes again and again.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang