she wakes you up for cuddles

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Despite it being after three in the morning, Jennie was lying beside you feeling restless.

She hasn't really been able to fall asleep tonight, only for a few minutes here and there. She was a little cold and she needed you to hold her. But you were sleeping peacefully next to her and she wasn't sure if she should wake you.

She spent the next few minutes tossing and turning till she gave up and caved in. She tugged at her lip, pulling it between her teeth as she inched her hand towards your shoulder. Her fingers landed on the soft skin and she started to shake you softly.

"Jennie? What's going on?"

She could hear the sleep in your groggy voice and she noticed the way you barely peeked your eyes open. "I can't sleep."

You rolled over on your side to face her. "I'm sorry to hear that, baby. Is there anything I can do to help?" She nodded her head. "Yeah. Can you cuddle me?"

You melted both from the way she was looking at you and how sweet she was. "Of course I can. Here, put your head on my shoulder." She did as you said, laying it there before burying her nose in your skin, kissing it a few times very delicately.

You put your arms around her and snuck your hand up her shirt to trail your fingers along your back. "Is this any better?" She tiredly mumbled a 'yeah' causing you to look down at her to find her eyes closed.

She was beginning to fall asleep. All she needed was for you to cuddle with her, and if it was even possible you fell even more in love with her. You kissed the crown of her head and then laid your head back on your pillow, slowly falling asleep to Jennie's breath fanning against your skin.

"Love you," she mumbled out, needing to say the words before she fell asleep like she often does.

And right before you fell asleep, you said the words back to her. "Love you."

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now