when you come home with bruises (requested)

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Jennie's head turned at the sound of the door opening and closing as you walked inside. A big smile appeared on her face and she jumped up from her seat on the couch to walk to you.

"Hey, baby. How was your day?"

You didn't say a word, which was really unlike you. Usually, you're quite talkative as soon as you come inside. The only time you're not is when you have a bad day, so that's where her mind went straightaway.

"Was it bad?"

Your head was ducked and you turned to walk away. But she was quick to grab onto you, intending to wrap you in her arms and hug you tight. She thought a comforting hug was all you really needed. It usually cheers you up.

But when she put her arm around you, you winced and whimpered in pain and she instantly panicked.

"What is it? Are you hurt, baby?" She asked worriedly, the words falling from her lips in a rush. "Look at me."

Her voice was soft and laced with worry. You turned around and lifted your gaze from the floor, allowing for her to finally see your face. You watched her eyes go wide at what you assumed was your bruise-covered face.

"Oh gosh," she whispered, gently and innocently laying her hand on your cheek. But you winced and she pulled back instantly. "What happened? You're covered in bruises! Who hurt you?!"

She gently tugged your hand and led you into the kitchen.

"Sit down, baby girl. Take it easy."

You took a seat and watched her go over to the freezer. She came back with some ice wrapped in a towel and gently pressed it to your swollen lip.

"What happened? Talk to me."

"I was on my way home. Some girls recognized me,"

Her eyes went wide once more, filling with worry. But you laid your hand over hers, hoping to ease her clearly anxious brain.

"They didn't say anything mean about me." You said, watching her eyes soften. "But they did about you. I don't know what came over me. I guess I just got tired of hearing people say such terrible things about you. I didn't start the fight, I promise! But I couldn't just stand back and listen to them say such horrible things!"

"Y/n," she started to say, swiping her tongue against her lip before squeezing your hand gently. "I love you. I don't want you to get hurt!"

"You didn't hear what they were saying,"

"I don't care." She said, voice soft as she gazed deeply into your eyes. "I really couldn't care less what people say or think of me, y/n. It doesn't bother me. I can take it all and more. But this," she placed her hand back on your cheek and looked you over, finding that every bruise on your face broke her heart more. "This I can't take. You're hurt, baby. I don't like seeing you hurt."

"I'm sorry..." you mumbled and if your lip wasn't swollen and sore, you would've sunk your teeth into it. "They were just so mean."

"Look at me, my love."

You looked back into her eyes, letting out a deep breath.

"I love you and I love how much you care. But, please, don't ever feel like you have to defend me, especially if it means you getting hurt. All their words go in one ear and out the other, I promise."

Her hand fell to your cheek when you nodded your head.


"Sorry, baby!" She frowned. "I didn't mean to."

"It's okay. It might hurt a little but it's worth it when your touch is always so comforting."

She laid a few kisses to your neck, letting her lips travel along your unbruised and soft skin lovingly. She whispered out a soft 'I love you' against your skin, hoping that this wouldn't ever happen again.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now