wake up (requested)

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"Y/N! Baby, I'm home!" She yelled out as soon as the door was closed.

The smile on her face was unbreakable. The sun was still up, the time only a little after two o'clock in the afternoon. It's rare that she gets to be home this early but she wasn't gonna complain about that. She was practically over the moon about it; knowing she's got the remaining hours of the day left to spend with you.

It was a little unusual. The living room was empty. Odd, considering that she knew you planned on binge-watching some shows a bit today. She thought she'd find you on the sofa, covered up with a cozy blanket, and intrigued with whatever it was you were watching.

She checked the kitchen but it was also empty. She started to climb the stairs and she did so quickly, curious, and slightly nervous, as to where you may be.

But a moment later, when she stood in the doorway of your shared bedroom, all of her worries faded as she was met with a precious sight. Curled up on her side of the bed, you were sound asleep. Small, quiet snores fell from your parted lips. Your cheek was pressed against the comfortable fabric of the pillowcase, and you were covered with her blanket and dressed in her hoodie.

It was all so much for her heart to handle, a feeling of love causing it to swell and skip a beat again and again.

She tiptoed to you and crouched down in front of you. She reached up to caress your cheek lovingly and when your eyes opened slowly, you were met with her soft brown orbs gazing into yours with a look of adoration.

"Hey, baby girl." She smiled. "Sleep okay?"

Her heart fluttered when you wrapped your fingers around her hand and brought it to your lips for a few kisses.

"Yeah. I guess I fell asleep somewhere along the line during my binge-watch. Missed a few episodes." You pouted, causing her to chuckle softly. "You're home awfully early."

"Yeah. Didn't have a lot to do today, so they let us all go home early. I'm definitely not complaining. Means I get lots of time with my girl."

You grinned and cupped her cheek to bring her in for a kiss.

"Are you tired still?"

You shook your head and scooted over in bed, pulling the blanket up for her to climb under the covers beside you. She was happy to do so, joining you in a heartbeat.

You rolled into her arms, feeling comforted as soon as they were wrapped around you.

"I'm so happy you're home early. I've missed you."

"Missed you more, baby," She spoke before pressing her lips onto yours for a few more loving but passionate kisses. "Now, what are we watching? Fill me in so we can watch it together!"

Your eyes lit up. It always makes you feel good about how she always takes such interest in the things that are so important to you. You know she cares so much, finding that the things you love most become just as important to her.

You put your head on her chest, ear resting right over her heart so you could hear it beat while you explained the first episode to her. She was all ears, looking at you with the most loving stare you've ever seen, and it made you so happy to know that she was yours for the entire day.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now