so close (requested)

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"Jennie!" You yelled from across the room as you entered the girls' practice room.

She turned her head quickly when she heard your voice. Setting down her phone, she sat and stared at you for a moment. Her heart fluttered in your chest, filling with love for you.

She couldn't tell you since you're her best friend, but she was head over heels for you and you stopping by to pay her a surprise visit is the greatest thing to happen to her this busy week.

"Hey." She smiled and stood up to walk to you. "What are you doing here?"

"Figured I'd pay you a little visit. I know you must be hungry so I stopped by your favorite place and got you a little something." You said with the prettiest smile on your face and Jennie wondered if her heart might just burst right from her chest.

It's little things like this. Little things that you do that make her wonder if you're trying to make her fall even more in love with you.

She also can't help but wonder if you're just as in love with her as she is with you. You never do this with anyone else. Never have, never will. Over the course of your almost year-long friendship, she's the only one you've done things like this for.

"That's so sweet. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Where are the girls?"

"Went to get some drinks. We're running low on energy, so they left to grab some coffee and stuff."

You nodded understandingly.

"Do you want me to go?"

"No!" She quickly answered. "No, I want you to stay."

Your heart began to beat faster as those words fell from her lips.


She smiled and made her way back to where she was sitting before. She opened the container of food, instantly shoving some of it into her mouth. She looked back at you, grabbing one of the extra utensils from the bag and handing one to you before she put the container by you.

"You can have some."

"No, I got it for you, Jen."

She swallowed before shaking her head.

"Have some. Don't make me tickle you."

"You wouldn't dare."

She tsked and shrugged her shoulders.

"Guess you leave me no choice." She sighed and gently pushed you onto the practice floor on your back.

She moved the food away so she wouldn't spill it and then hovered over you. She tickled your sides, making you giggle and squirm under her.

"Okay, fine! I'll eat some with you."

She grinned victoriously. Tickling you makes you cave every time.

She didn't move off of you though. Her eyes stayed locked with yours. She couldn't look away. Her breath even hitched when she noticed how they sparkled as you gazed into her own sparkly eyes.

She tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, her teeth sank into her lip as she looked from your eyes and down to your lips.

"You're beautiful." She whispered.

"You're even more beautiful."

She shook her head, convinced that you were the most beautiful girl to ever exist.

"I really like you..." she said. "No, I-I love you." She confessed. "I really love you."

"I really love you too."

Your words caused her to breathe out a sigh of relief. She's been holding that all inside. It felt so good to get it off her chest.

She stared back into your eyes, her thumbs brushing along your cheeks.

"Would it be okay if I kissed you?" She asked, her voice softer than ever before.

"Please do. I've been waiting so long to kiss you."

She smiled and watched you close your eyes. She moved her hands to your hips and slowly leaned in. Her lips were so close to brushing against yours, almost fully touching. You both anticipated the kiss; certain it'd be the most perfect one you could ever share.

Her lips were so close that her warm breath fanned against your lips.

But just before she kissed you, the door swung open.

Jennie sat up and you did the same, staring at the girls who were all quite surprised to see you.

"Oh, y/n! We didn't know you'd be here!" Lisa grinned.

"What have you girls been up to?" Jisoo asked, eyeing Jennie as she raised her eyebrows teasingly.

"Nothing," Jennie answered and your heart dropped a little over how fast she responded.

"I should get going." You said and walked out the door before Jennie could stop you.

You wondered if it was just the heat of the moment that made those words fall from her lips. But you were afraid to find out, afraid the girl you're most in love with was going to break your heart.

You left, wondering what the rest of the day might hold.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now