first drink vs last drink (requested)

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"Okay, baby. I want to do a little blog about tonight. So look into the camera and tell me where we are tonight." Jennie said as she held her phone in her hand.

She couldn't hold back her smile when she saw your eyes sparkle.

"Well, one of my cousins is getting married tonight. She and her wife make such a beautiful couple and we got to be involved in the wedding so that was fun!"

"Yeah, and look how gorgeous you look."

You shook your head with a giggle before grabbing her phone and flipping it around on her.

"Have you seen yourself? Baby, you're stunning!"

She grinned and twirled around, looking absolutely gorgeous in her beautiful red dress.

She took back her phone, your heart fluttering over her sweet laugh and the quick brush of her lips on your cheek.

"What are you drinking?"

"Champagne!" You excitedly said as you sipped on the alcohol. "It's so good."

"I bet you'll be drunk by the end of the night!" She laughed. "Tell me, babe. Should we make this a first drink vs last drink video for TikTok?"

"Why not?" You chuckled as you swallowed the rest of the champagne down. "Join me?" You asked as you got another drink, handing her one, too.

"Sure. But I won't be getting drunk like you." She joked.

"I guess I'll be having more fun than you."

She playfully rolled her eyes as she nursed her drink slowly while you... well, did the opposite.

It was a night of fun as you watched your cousin and her bride get showered in love by family and friends.

Jennie, however, just watched you let loose and drink... a lot.

She lost count of how many drinks you actually had but considering you were drunk off your ass, basically, she knew it had to be too many to count.

You had a little variety, which was the perfect recipe for a hangover tomorrow morning.

Jennie was amused by how silly and carefree you'd become by getting so drunk, as were others that were more sober, like your girl.

Jennie cut herself off with two drinks since she was the one driving home tonight.

But she let you get drunk and have fun on this big night.

She only cut you off when she knew you were too intoxicated and decided to call it a night, as others began to head home, too.

But she remembered the TikTok you two planned out together and before she'd cut you off, she allowed you to have one more glass of champagne.

"Okay, Y/N," She giggled as she pulled out her phone and started to record you. "Remember what we discussed?"

"Sorta." You slurred with a laugh before looking into the camera. "This is my last drink."

You could hardly stand and your words were slurred.

Not to mention, you were so drunk that everything was funny, and Jennie found that cute.

"I'm not drunk though,"

"Sure you aren't, baby," She laughed. "Alright, finish that and then we'll go home."

You happily drank the champagne and then put your glass down before leaning against Jennie.

"I just love you," You slurred and kissed her cheek.

"I love you too." She said as she wrinkled her nose over the alcohol on your breath. "Okay, that should make for an interesting vlog and TikTok. You are going to have one hell of a hangover, so we should go home."

You agreed and she put her phone in her pocket before putting her arm around you and helping you out to the car, knowing you'd be miserable in the morning while she'd just tease you for your drunkenness.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now