when you struggle to open a jar (requested)

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"What are we going to have with dinner tonight?" Jennie questioned as she started to take out everything you'd need for the dinner you were going to cook together.

You stood there for a second, just thinking up different things that would go good with the dinner you'd be sharing, and one thing came to your mind that practically made your mouth water.

"Oh, I know!" You said before opening one of the cupboards to grab the jar of pickles.


She grinned at how excited you were to have them tonight and so, she happily agreed to have them.

"Okay. Let me open them real quick before I start cooking."

"No, Jen, it's alright. I can open them." You said and watched as your girlfriend held back a giggle. "What's so funny?"

"Baby, I know it's harder for you to open the jar. I'll do it, it's no problem."

"Whoa, excuse me," You said as you pushed the jar across the counter, out of her reach. "What do you mean it's harder for me to open the jar?"

"I didn't mean it the way you're thinking that I did." She said. "I just know that, sometimes, you struggle to open them. I'm not saying you're not strong enough to do it."

"Really? Well, watch and see. I can open it on my own!"

She nodded and stepped back, raising her hands wordlessly to let you know that she wouldn't get in your way or stop you from trying.

You grabbed the jar and tried to turn the lid, a grunt slipping from your lips as you did your very best to pull it off.

"Baby? Do you need help?" She asked as she watched you struggle.

"No, I can get it!"

"Okay. If you're sure." She said and watched you grab a dishcloth.

You put it over the lid and tried your hardest once more to open it but you were unsuccessful.

Jennie watched you as she started to mix some of the ingredients for dinner, keeping an eye on you to make sure that you wouldn't hurt yourself.

You huffed in frustration before going to the drawer full of silverware.

Angrily, you pulled out a spoon before storming back over to the counter, where you began to bang the spoon across the lid.

Jennie shook her head with a smile, muttering quietly to herself that you were just so cute.

She stopped what she was doing and just leaned against the counter with her arms folded, patiently waiting for you to give up and give in to let her help you.

"Open!" You yelled in frustration as you continued to try your very hardest to open the jar.

"Babe, as much as I'd like to let you keep trying, I'd like to eat before the day ends. So can you please just let me open it?" She asked as she came up to you, gently placing her hand on your back.

You tried a couple more times before pouting as you stared at her.

"Fine. I'd like to see you try and open it." You said and watched as Jennie grabbed the jar, twisting the lid slightly before it made a loud pop as it opened.

"See? Easy." She said, kissing your head softly.

"I must've loosened it for you." You said and she burst into giggles.

"Yeah, baby?" She asked as she pulled you into her arms, kissing away your pout. "You're cute."

"I may be cute but I'm tough. I can open jars on my own just fine."

"Whatever you say, my love." She chuckled and then walked over to the stove to start cooking as you put a pickle into your mouth, crunching on it as you watched her start cooking.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now