you get jealous (requested)

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The restaurant was loud, filled with laughter from the people dining inside and the soft music playing. But in the back where only you and Jennie were, it was quieter and calm.

She used one hand to turn the pages in the menu on the table, her other wrapped in yours. It's been a little while since you've had a night out and you're happier than you've been in a long while. It's the start of your week together and you're both excited to get some much-needed quality time together.

Jennie had finally decided on what she wanted. She closed the menu and gazed over at you. Skimming through the options, you were oblivious to the stars in your girlfriend's eyes until she squeezed your hand and said, "you look beautiful tonight."

"Says you, you stunner." You winked and then closed your menu.

A moment later, a waitress came over to take your order. Everything seemed innocent at first. Jennie happily placed her order and you were just about to do the same when you noticed the waitress was biting at her lip and gazing at Jennie the way only you and Jennie always gaze at each other.

"You're so pretty." The waitress complimented Jennie, to which she just mumbled a 'thank you' and stared back at you. The waitress, however, didn't look away from your girlfriend. She even went to lay her hand on Jennie's shoulder but you stopped her by snapping your fingers and getting her attention that way.

"You took my girlfriend's order," you faked a smile after placing emphasis on the word. "But you haven't taken mine yet."

The waitress pulled out her pad and began to write your order done before taking off. But you watched as she walked away, finding that her eyes were still glued to your girlfriend.

"Maybe we should've dined somewhere else?"

Jennie furrowed her eyebrow in confusion, as though she was completely unaware as to what had just gone down.

"Why, baby?"

You shook your head and shook off the waitress eyeing your girlfriend. You put your hand back over hers and found a subject for you to laugh over for a minute or two... before the waitress came back.

She cleared her throat when she got close enough. She had a drink in her hand and a plate of food but it wasn't anything either of you ordered and you quickly found out that it wasn't for you.

"Here you go. On the house." She smiled at Jennie and touched her shoulder before walking away.

Jennie pushed the plate closer to you as if she was offering you some, too. But you only shook your head. Truthfully, you were losing your appetite, as well as your cheery mood.

And when the waitress came back again with Jennie's food, but without yours, you were growing tired of being ignored and watching her flirt with your girlfriend with that annoying giggle and the touch of her hand on Jennie's shoulder. Although she would shrug her shoulder to push her hand away, it still made you uncomfortable.

"I've had enough." You grumbled. "Take a hint! She's taken, okay? She's my girlfriend and I've had enough of you flirting with her right in front of me!"

"Y/n," Jennie whispered as she looked around to find people looking your way.

"If you don't stop, you'll be wearing the drink and food you brought my girlfriend earlier. So, go. Leave us be."

She walked away without a word and you felt relieved. Your date night could finally go on!

Only... the relief you felt was only momentary. Because Jennie was giving you an angry look. With her arms folded over her chest and her jaw clenched, she looked mad.

"What was that?"

"I know you're not angry at me for saying what I said!"

She looked around, noticing that eyes were on you again.

"Don't raise your voice at me."

"You've gotta be kidding me, Jen. You didn't see how she was flirting with you?!'

She went to speak, only for you to tug at your hair in frustration. "I said what I had to."

"You humiliated her at her job!"

"She was flirting with you, Jennie! I got upset and nervous, okay? You didn't say anything to her to get her to stop, someone had to!"

She sighed and reached for your hand. You tried to pull away but she tightened her grip. Not enough to hurt you, but enough to where you couldn't pull it away again.

"Because I don't care, y/n. I don't care about anyone else but you! I didn't say anything because I thought you knew that I was showing her I didn't care. She'd touch my shoulder, I'd shrug it to push it away. Everything she said just went in one ear and out the other. You're all I care about. You're the only one I have eyes for. You're the one who has my heart and the only one I'm head over heels in love with."

You cracked a smile at her and stood from your seat. You went to her booth and sat beside her. She put her arm around you and brought you in for a kiss before pulling away to kiss your temple lingeringly.

"You're all mine and I'm all yours. You're so beautiful, so kind, so perfect. I don't need or want anyone else. Only you, baby girl." She said and moved to kiss your ear and she smirked when your breath hitched in your throat upon feeling her warm breath and soft lips behind your ear.

"I love you, Jennie. More than anything."

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