I'll love you through it (requested)

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The empty bed and cold sheets where you lay is what awoke Jennie from her once peaceful slumber. For a moment, she wondered if the morning had arrived, but upon opening her eyes she saw that the room was still dark and the time was only five am.

She groaned and rubbed her eyes before blinking to adjust to the darkness. It's much too early for her to get out of bed when it's her day off. But she knew falling back asleep without you in her arms was going to be nearly impossible.

She was curious as to where you were, and a little concerned too. You're a deep sleeper and you hardly ever wake up in the middle of the night, so her mind was wandering away from her and she needed to know where you were.

She pushed the blankets away and walked out of the room. She doubted you'd be in any of the spare rooms upstairs, but she checked each of them just to rule out the possibility.

Once she found them all empty, she began to make her way downstairs. She flipped the light on and planned to turn the corner to walk into the kitchen. But she froze upon finding the front door open.

She opened the door and found you sat on the front porch steps with something in your hand. It only took her a second to figure out what it was.

The cloud of smoke escaped from your lips and hit the air, lingering for a moment before settling, only for another to form as you exhaled the cigarette smoke once more.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she walked out the door, causing you to jump and turn around quickly. She saw the cigarette in your mouth, between your lips as you inhaled the smoke. "You're smoking?!"

She took it out of your mouth and put it out on the ground before turning around, scoffing at your guilty expression.

"Why are you smoking? When did this start? How long have you been doing this?"

The questions all fell from her lips in a worried rush and it only made your already anxious brain run more.

"It's just stress, okay?" You yelled. "University is stressing me out!"

"That's no excuse, y/n!" She said, tangling her fingers in her hair before sitting beside you with a huff. "You know how bad those things are for you. They're really dangerous."

"I know! You don't have to lecture me." You grumbled, only for her to shake her head with yet another scoff.

"I'm not trying to lecture you. I'm worried about you! Those are bad, y/n, really bad-"

"Okay!" You said, obviously aggravated as she continued to go on and on. "I get it, Jen. Alright?"

She looked away from you, her jaw clenched in anger.

"Things are really hard right now." You spoke, your voice cracking, causing Jennie to turn her head to look at you in worry. "I didn't know what else to do."

"Y/N," she sighed sadly and pulled you into her arms.

"I'm sorry. I'm just so stressed and I'm exhausted. I can hardly sleep anymore. I'm always anxious and I'm tired of feeling this way."

She shushed you softly and rubbed your back comfortingly, feeling terrible over how she spoke to you before.

"Why didn't you tell me? We could've talked about it all before you picked up this bad habit."

"I know." You mumbled tearfully as you closed your eyes, shaky breaths falling from your lips. "But you're so busy and you've got so much stress on your plate. I didn't want to make it worse."

"Don't say that." She said, lifting your chin up with her fingers to get you to look at her. "You know you're what matters most to me. You could never bother me or stress me out. You're my girlfriend, I love you more than anything, and I want you to lean on me when times are tough."

You nodded as a tear fell from your eyes.

"You know I'll always hold you and love you through whatever you go through. Don't hide things from me. No matter what is going on in our lives, I want us to always be there for each other."

"Okay." You mumbled. "Sorry."

"Don't be." She whispered, her eyes locked with your teary ones. "You're overwhelmed. I can tell. Things are that bad?"

You nodded slowly.

"Well then, you're staying home with me today."

You went to shake your head, ready to tell her that you have class, only for her to shake her head before you even got the chance to speak.

"It's almost five in the morning and judging by the dark circles under your eyes, I know you're seriously sleep deprived. I'm assuming you haven't slept tonight?"

You nodded.

"Then you're playing sick and we're staying in bed. You'll catch up on sleep. I'll hold you and take care of you through the day. I want you to rest. Take a day for yourself. Please? For me, sweet girl?"

She started to kiss your jaw and you just smiled tiredly before nodding and caving in.

"Okay. I'll even call for you because we're going upstairs and straight to bed."

You couldn't even argue if you wanted to. You were just too exhausted and, like she almost always is, you knew Jennie was right.

So you let her take your hand and lead you up to the bed, where she cuddled you and held you securely in her arms, giving you all the comfort you've desperately needed as you fell asleep.

You weren't sure how yet, but you knew, with Jennie on your side, everything was going to be just fine.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now