leaked (requested)

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Jennie followed the sound of your laughter down the hall to your shared bedroom.

She realized why quite quickly, as she recognized your mom's voice over the phone instantly.

You were sitting on the bed with the pillows against your back, laughing and having fun chatting with your mom.

Jennie has become very close with her as well, so she was excited to say hello to her.

But she had to be careful.

She just got home from the stylist.

The girls are having a huge comeback soon and for this one, she's going blonde.

It's taken a little time but it's officially finished.

However, she can't let anyone but you, the girls, and others in the company see it.

She had her hair pulled up and tucked under a beanie to hide it from anyone who saw her on her way home and now, she has to make sure that no one but you sees it.

Including your mom.

"Oh, Jennie's home!" You grinned and Jennie did the same, before blowing you a kiss.

She knew she had to make sure she kept her hair a secret but she wanted to fix it since the ponytail in it was a little too tight and uncomfortable.

She pulled off her beanie and then pulled the ponytail out of her hair before her long blonde locks flowed past her shoulders and down her back.

"Say hi!" You said and, without thinking, turned your phone camera to face Jennie.

Jennie went wide-eyed right away.

"My hair!" She said as she gazed at you in worry.

"Oh, shoot. I'm so sorry, Jen. I wasn't thinking. I wasn't looking at you so I didn't realize you took your beanie off!" You explained and she nodded wordlessly.

"Jennie, honey, you look beautiful always but that blonde hair is just spectacular." Your mom spoke.

"Thanks," Jennie said with a small but genuine smile.

"Mom, you can't tell anyone about her hair being blonde. No one can know yet."

"I won't. I promise." She said.

"I have to go but I'll call you tomorrow." You said.

"Okay. I love you y/n and I love you, Jennie."

Jennie smiled a little brighter, loving the bond she's formed with your mom.

"Love you too!" You and Jennie said in unison before you ended the video call.

You gazed at Jennie with a guilty expression on your face.

"Jen, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking when I did that."

"I know. Don't worry, I'm not upset." She promised and then kissed your lips softly. "It's getting late. I'm tired and think we should just cuddle for the rest of the night. Sound good?"

"Sounds absolutely perfect." You smiled before kissing her once more.

As she changed into her pajamas and laid down beside you, you curled up close to her.

"By the way, you look absolutely stunning."

"Thank you, baby." She said and kissed your forehead.

You spent a couple of hours cuddling and watching tv before you both ended up falling asleep.

A few hours later, at about five am, Jennie woke up to the sound of her phone ringing.

She reached for it and with tired eyes, she saw that it was YG.

"Hello?" She groggily spoke.

"Jennie! How did people find out about your hair? You weren't supposed to tell anyone outside of the group and company except for your girlfriend!"

Jennie sat up quickly, feeling a little confused.

"What are you talking about? I didn't show it off or tell anyone about it."

"Did y/n?"

Jennie instantly parted her lips to defend you.

But then, she remembered last night.

"Y/N's mom saw it on a video call last night. But it was only an accident. She wasn't thinking."

"Well, that makes sense since her mom was the one who told everyone. It's on her Facebook."

"I'm so sorry. But please let me take care of it. I promise you, this is a one-time thing only." She said as she bit her lip.

"Fine. But this will never happen again. We have no choice but to confirm this now. It's not something I'm happy about, so if it happens again there will be very serious consequences."

"I understand," Jennie said. "Thank you."

The call ended and Jennie put her phone on the nightstand before looking at you.

"Y/N, wake up."

You opened your eyes as she shook your shoulder.

"Jennie, it's too early."

"I know it is. I'm tired too, y/n. But I just got a call from YG. Your mom must've spoken about my hair to someone because now everyone knows about it!"

"What?" You mumbled as you sat up. "Are you sure?"

"Y/N, no one else knows!" She said as she tangled her fingers in her hair.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I'll talk to her about it."

"She never should've found out," Jennie grumbled angrily.

"I already told you that I was sorry. I still am. I feel awful, okay?" You snapped as you hung your head. "I didn't mean to. I swear. You know I would never do something like that."

"I know." She sighed. "I'm sorry. I know you didn't do it on purpose. I guess your mom blabbed about it on Facebook."

"That explains it. She talks about us to her friends and despite knowing that fans always check her Facebook and me telling her repeatedly that everyone can see what she posts, she still feels so excited and so proud that she often brags about how lucky she is to have a daughter like me and an amazing future daughter-in-law like you."

Jennie chuckled before she put her arms around you and pulled you close.

"I know she wasn't thinking when she did it. We just have to be careful. I can get into a lot of trouble for things such as this."

"But you're not in trouble, right? Did you tell them it was my fault?"

"No. I told them it was an accident and you weren't thinking when your mom saw my hair. Don't worry, I won't let you or my mom get into any trouble. I love you too much."

"Love you too." You said and closed your tired eyes. "Can we talk more about this in a couple of hours when we have no other choice but to get up? I'm tired."

"Sure." She chuckled. "We'll talk to your mom later too."

You nodded and curled back up to her as you laid back down, falling back into a peaceful slumber together once more.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now