"I worry because I love you" (requested)

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You opened the front door and quietly stepped inside. You looked around for her but once you knew she was nowhere in sight, you began to head up the stairs to the bathroom.

Knowing that she had to be in the bedroom, you decided to use the guest bathroom. You didn't want her to see the blood trickling down your leg or the way that you cut your hand open, or the small cuts and bruises on other parts of your body.

You just wanted to clean up and then try to hide the damage from her.

But it wasn't going to work and you should've known that.

As you made your way into the guest bathroom that was across the hall from yours' and Jennie's room, the floor creaked beneath your feet.

"Y/N? Baby? Is that you?" She called out as she got out of bed.

You could hear her feet padding across the bedroom floor as she came to greet you after your busy afternoon.

But there was no way that she could've prepared herself for the sight she'd be met with. She gasped when she saw the blood on your leg and the cuts on your skin.

"Are you okay? What'd you do?" She asked as she ran to you.

She tried to tug you into the bathroom, wanting to clean those cuts as soon as she could. But you winced as she touched your cut palm and she went wide-eyed when she saw how bad it was.

She had you walk in front of her instead. She kept her hand on the small of your back. She didn't say a word, which made you wonder if she'd put the pieces together of how this happened on her own.

She had you sit on the closed toilet lid before she grabbed the first aid kit.

"You were on that bike again, weren't you, y/n?" She asked as she began to pull everything out that she'd need to clean you up with. "Tell me the truth."


"God, Y/N!" She groaned. "I told you how dangerous that thing is! I told you that you shouldn't ride it anymore! Why didn't you listen to me?"

"Because I'm an adult, Jennie! I make my own choices!"

She scoffed as she started to clean up your leg. You winced and sank your teeth into your lip. As soon as the first-aid medication touched your leg, it instantly stung so bad that it brought tears to your eyes.

As upset as she was, she still loves you very much, and seeing you in pain broke Jennie's heart.

"Shh." She soothed as she kissed your other knee out of comfort.

A moment of silence went by as she cleaned up the smaller cuts that were around the same spot.

She gently took your hand into hers, wincing when she saw your palm that was badly cut, although, thankfully, not badly enough to need stitches.

"You can squeeze my thigh if it stings too much." She offered and as soon as she started to clean the blood from your hand and put some medicine on it, you were left with no choice but to squeeze it like she offered as it stung terribly.

Once it was all done and she made sure you were all bandaged up, you both sta still and in silence once more.

"Y/N," She whispered softly, a shaky breath falling from her lips after your name left it.

"Please don't think I'm trying to be controlling or treat you like you're a child. You're an adult. You're perfectly capable of making your own choices and I have no right to stop you, nor would I ever try. But please understand how scary this is for me. Every time you get on it, I worry you'll fall off or crash into something and bust your head open or break all of the bones in your body. That scares me."

You stared into her worried eyes, realizing that she was pleading from a place of genuine concern and fear.

"I hate that motorcycle. I've said it again and again. I wish you'd listen but I wouldn't ever tell you that you can't ride it. But please try to understand how scared I am every time you get on it. You could seriously hurt yourself. It wasn't serious, thank gosh, but you did get hurt today. It scares me. You won't listen to me and I don't know what to do."

She let out a heavy exhale, her teeth sank into her lip as tears welled up in her eyes.


"I love you. I hate seeing you hurt. I'm always scared it'll be something so much worse than this."

"I'm sorry." You said as you took her hand into your non-bandaged one. "I know you're just worried. I'm sorry I haven't heard you out. I just enjoy my motorcycle. It's mine, it's the first major thing I've ever done for myself. I'm proud of it."

"And I'm happy you've found something you enjoy." She said with a small smile as she squeezed your hand a little. "I worry because I love you. Please tell me that you understand that."

"Of course I do." You said and leaned forward to kiss her cheek and your heart melted as her smile grew. "But, if it brings you any comfort, you never have to worry about me busting my head open because I always wear my helmet. I never go without it and I never take it off unless I'm arriving home or heading out."

"I figured. You're smart, y/n. I know you wouldn't do anything stupid or risky on it. I trust you. I just don't trust others. You know just as well as I do that you can do everything right when you're on the road and still get injured because other people are careless."

"I know." You said quietly, squeezing her hand once more. "I don't want to give my motorcycle away, Jen. I'm not selling it, either."

"I didn't say you had to and you shouldn't. It's yours. I would never ask or force you to unless something much, much worse than this happened."

"How about we compromise? I won't go back on it until I'm fully healed. Even though it's only a few cuts, I think that'll bring you a little peace of mind."

"It would. Thank you." She smiled and kissed your lips lovingly.

"And you know I won't ever take any chances. If I feel it's unsafe, I won't go. If I feel like I need to come home, I'll come home. You know that."

"I know." She said as she stroked your cheek softly. "I really do hope you know that I only worry because I love you and I need you around forever and always."

"You won't ever lose me, Jen. I promise, I know that you mean well."

She put her arms around you for a hug, relaxing as she held you in her arms.

But, suddenly, she stood up and lifted you into her arms to carry you to bed.

She laid you down gently, hovering over you with a big smile on her face.

She was going to spoil you like crazy tonight. You knew it already.

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