you propose (requested)

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The sight right before Jennie's eyes when she walked through the front door took her breath away. There were candles lit and flower petals thrown around the living room floor and staircase.

It looked different than when Lisa dragged her out of the house by her hand only a couple of hours ago, insisting that she and the girls just had to go shopping for a little while.

But she wasn't complaining; it only melted her heart and made her already big smile grow.

"Y/n?" She called out and looked around for you, finding you coming down to the bottom of the stairs. "Hey, beautiful. What's all of this for?" She asked with a smile as she walked and stood in front of you, letting you take her hand into yours. But she froze and her eyes went wide when she wondered, "did I forget something?"

"No!" You laughed and started to lead her up the stairs.

"Then what's it all for?" She asked curiously and followed you down the hall, hand still wrapped tightly in yours. She frowned when she noticed that your hand was shaking and when you turned to look back at her you were wearing more of a nervous smile than before. "Are you okay, baby?"

"Yeah." You said before dropping her hand and moving to stand behind her. You covered her eyes and she tried to push your hands away in confusion. "I have a surprise for you. But you can't see until we get in there and I don't trust you not to peek if I simply tell you to close your eyes."

She giggled and the sound made your heart flutter and brought a little comfort to your nerves. You kept telling her to walk, guiding her down the long hallway to your shared room.

"Okay. I'm gonna pull my hands away but you can't look yet. You have to cover your eyes and keep them closed. No peeking, please."

She sighed but did as you said to and kept her hands over her eyes. You made sure she couldn't peek through her fingers before looking around at the bedroom. It was all set up perfectly and you felt proud over how good it all turned out. You know that your girl deserves a proposal as perfect as she is and you worked hard this afternoon while the girls whisked her away to make it as perfect as possible.

You looked back at her, watching as the golden rays of the sun peeking through the curtains hit her skin and the small smile that was tugging at her lips as she bounced on her heels, curious and excited as to what you had planned. You couldn't wait for another second and you knew that she couldn't either.

"Okay, Jen. You can look now."

She opened her eyes and gasped upon seeing all the flowers laid on the floor.

'Will you marry me' she read out loud and her eyes went wide when the words sank in. She turned to look at you, finding you standing right behind her, looking as tearful as she felt.

She watched you get onto one knee and pull out the most beautiful ring she's ever laid her eyes on. It took her breath away; like you did.

"Jennie," you whispered and took her hand. She happily held it in her own and even gave it a squeeze, wordlessly telling you to go on. "You're the greatest thing to ever happen to me. You've been in my life for over a year now and I can't imagine it without you. You're so kind, so genuine, so loving. I find myself falling even more in love with you every single day. You just make me so happy. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, falling more in love with you with every minute we spend together. So, will you marry me?"

She got onto her knees and started to cry before she said, "Yes!"

You threw your arms around her, bringing her in for a hug that neither of you could pull away from. It was only when you went to slide the ring onto her finger that she pulled away and stared down at it.

"It's so beautiful." She spoke breathlessly.

"A beautiful ring for my beautiful girl." You said and brought her hand to your lips as she gazed at you with stars in her eyes.

"We're getting married, y/n! You're gonna be my wife soon!"

"I can't wait. I love you, Jennie. I'm so excited to spend the rest of my life with you."

"There's no one else I'd rather spend it with, my love. I love you so much." She spoke softly and leaned in to steal a kiss for your lips as she began to envision what your future would be like together, and she was ready for every second of it.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Where stories live. Discover now