she misses you while at the studio

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So entranced in the movie you turned on to try to pass the hours that dragged by while Jennie was gone, you almost didn't hear the sound of her ringtone playing through your phone.

Looking away for the first time since you turned the movie on just several minutes prior, you paused it and reached for your phone. Your heart started to beat just a little faster and your lips pulled into a smile when you saw her name on the screen.

Excitedly, you answered it quickly. Thinking she found a few moments in her free time of either being busy in the studio or dance practice, you thought she didn't have very much time to talk and you didn't want to miss even a second to hear her voice.

"Jennie! Hey." You were almost certain that she could tell you were smiling if the happiness and cheerfulness of your voice was any indication of that. "How's it all going? Getting a lot done?"

You waited a few seconds to hear her voice but she never answered and, for a split second, you had to pull the phone from your ear to see if she was still there. Frowning when you noticed that she hadn't hung up, you parted your lips, ready to speak, when a sad sigh from the other end cut you off.

"Not so great." She mumbled quietly. "I really wanted to hear your voice."

Her words caused you to crack a small smile, but only for a short moment. Because the other words that followed only made your heart sink deep in your chest.

"I'm just not having a good day. I feel like I'm not doing anything right today. I'm stressed and I'm tired and I just don't feel like the things I'm doing are coming out that great."

"Jennie, if you're trying your best then you know it's more than good enough. Sometimes that's all you can do, and I assure you that the girls would agree with me on that. You know they have hard days and get down on themselves too. But you're always there to lift them up and I'm sure they'll do the same for you right now." You reminded her, trying to bring a smile to her face or at least to make her feel at least a little bit better.

But all you got in return was an even sadder sigh.

"I guess so."

You bit your lip, heart cracking in two from the genuine sadness she feels.

But before you could say another word, she was speaking again.

"I have to go. We're in the studio and I think I have to go back in. I love you and I miss you. I'll see you when I get home. I'm not sure what time it'll be but you don't have to wait up for me."

"I know I don't, but you know I will."

It was silent for a few seconds after that. Neither one of you really wanted to hang up, both of you reluctant to do so.

"I love you."

"Love you too," she replied and sighed once more before pulling the phone away from her ear and ending the call.

You reached for the remote once again but your finger hovered over the button. You couldn't get it out of your mind; the utter sadness, how hard she was being on herself, and the way you knew she truly missed you. How she didn't want to say goodbye and she kept reminding you of that before she had no other option but to end the call.

Suddenly, everything else seemed to slip away and you could only think about her. You reached for your keys on the table by the door and slid your phone into your pocket. You were about to walk out the door when you suddenly started to wonder if she'd gotten the chance to eat anything yet.

You took a few more minutes before leaving the house. This time, with some food you know she'd love and appreciate more than anything right now. You got into the car and headed straight into the studio.

Arriving moments later, you walked through the door, waving to the workers you saw right away that recognized you from the times you've been fortunate enough to tag along with Jennie.

You walked down the seemingly endless hallways until you reached the studio door. You knocked on it and waited for someone to answer. Only a few seconds later, you heard the knob turn before Rosé appeared in front of you.

She greeted you with a smile and a quick hug before moving aside to let you in.

"Please tell me you're here to cheer Jennie up because she's been down from the minute she walked through the door this morning." She whispered and you were just about to answer her when you heard the door to the booth open and close harshly.

Jennie stood by it, grumbling quietly. Her back was turned to you, giving you the perfect opportunity to pass everything in your hands to Rose, who happily took it all for you, to sneak up on your girlfriend.

You hugged her from behind and she jumped at first. She quickly turned, eyes filled with sadness, till she saw your face.


She seemed much happier now. Although her smile wasn't huge quite yet, you didn't miss the sparkle in her eyes and the small one that tugged at her lips.

"I can't believe you're here! What are you doing here?"

You pulled away so you could cup her cheeks in the palms of your hands.

"I'm here to see you, silly." You chuckled happily. "You seemed so down earlier on the phone. Practically kicking yourself for having a rough day. I had to come and cheer you up. It broke my heart to know that you were so down."

"Well..." she started to say but paused to lay her hands over yours. "If it's any consolation, I'm much happier now." She leaned in to kiss your cheek, lips lingering pon your soft skin for a second or two. "No surprise though, because you always make me happy. Make all of my bad days better."

You pulled her hands away and looped your arms around her neck, brushing your nose against her cheek and sending her a smile that made her heart skip beat after beat. You could tell; because her chest was against yours.

"I'm here with food and lots and lots of hugs."

She grinned at you, leaning in to kiss your lips when the girls all cooed at the sweet sight of you two.

"So cute!" Lisa giggled.

"You have important things to do in there." Jennie reminded them as she nodded toward the booth, causing them to giggle as they moved by both of you to go into the booth to give you a few minutes alone.

She fell onto a chair and while you tried to pull your hoodie off so you'd feel more comfortable in your band tee, you weren't able to do so before she was pulling you onto her lap and wrapping her arms around you tightly; preventing you from even trying to escape.

You leaned your head back against her shoulder and smiled up at her. "Love you. Hope you're feeling better now."

"I am. Because you're here with me. I love you more, darling." She kissed you softly, happy to spend the next little while with you in her arms.

Jennie Imagines (gxg) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant