you're sick and she comes over to take care of you

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You pressed your phone against your ear and waited for Jennie to answer.

You coughed into your elbow and wiped the bead of sweat rolling down your forehead. You're supposed to go out with Jennie tonight.

Today marks three months that you've been dating and Jennie had the idea of going out for a nice dinner together, but there was no way you could go now. Not with how terrible you felt. All you wanted and planned to do was stay under your blankets and try to sleep as much as you could.

"Y/n? Hey! How are you?" She asked cheerfully, not knowing just how terrible you felt.

"Not good." Your voice was weak and scratchy, and when you talked it hurt your throat. You coughed into your elbow and then groaned over the pounding in your head that followed.

"Oh, y/n. Are you sick?"

"Yeah. I'm really sorry Jennie. There's no way I'm making our date tonight. I feel awful. My body aches, my throat hurts, I can't seem to stop coughing, and all I really wanna do is sleep. Can I make it up to you when I feel better?"

"Absolutely. Y/n, don't worry about it. You just get some rest."

"Thanks, Jennie." You whispered and hung up, too tired to mutter another word. You laid back into bed and started to shiver. You pulled the blankets over yourself as tight as you could and curled up into yourself a little, and with a few more coughs into your elbow, you fell right asleep.

You woke up a little while later to Jennie's voice in your ear. You wondered if you were dreaming at first but then you felt her hand lay on your forehead. Her touch was unmistakable and comforting and when you opened your eyes to see her standing over you, you couldn't deny that there was a little flutter in your heart.

"Hey, sleepyhead. How are you feeling?" She whispered as she sat down by your feet.

"Horrible." You mumbled and felt that tickle in your throat once more. You heard the sound of a bag rustling before Jennie handed you a bottle of water. "Thank you," you whispered, voice barely there now.

You took a few swigs of water then laid back down.

"You definitely have a fever," Jennie said as she brushed a few strands of hair away from your forehead. Your skin was clammy and warm beneath her fingertips and she was worried about you. You could see it in her eyes. In the three months, you've been together, this is the first time either of you has been sick and even though she didn't know what to do to help you, she'd be happy to start by getting you whatever you needed.

"Are you cold? Do you need another blanket?"

She didn't even give you the chance to respond. She was on her feet and going straight to your closet. She came back a few seconds later with one of your fluffiest blankets and she draped it over you.

"Are you warm now?"

You couldn't help but crack a smile, even though you felt terrible. You liked her taking care of you. "Yeah. Thank you."

"No problem. Oh! That reminds me," she paused and reached for a bag on the floor. "I got you some tissues and some cough drops, just in case."

"You're so sweet and thoughtful, Jennie. Thank you."

Jennie just flashed you a bright smile, one that always makes your heart skip a beat.

"Anything for my girl."

"Anything? So... cuddles too?" You wondered and lifted your blankets up for her to climb under. She nodded happily then laid beside you. She put her arm around you and then pressed a kiss to your warm shoulder.

"You tell me if you need anything, anything at all, okay? I wanna take care of you."

She kissed your cheek softly, her lips lingering there for just a few seconds as she brushed her fingers through your hair.

"Thank you. Sorry for ruining our date tonight."

Jennie frowned and shook her head. "Don't be silly. You're sick, it's not like you're canceling because you didn't want to go out. Besides, I'm here with you now and even though you're sick, we're still together. I'm grateful for that."

You managed to smile a little as your eyes closed. You felt so comforted by the way she was holding you and the way her fingers were brushing along your side so softly. "Me too. Thanks for being here."

"Anytime. Get some sleep. I'm still gonna be right here when you wake up. If you need anything, just let me know." She kissed your forehead and watched as you fell asleep.

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