you get in an accident (requested)

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A break in their busy day was filled with lots of laughter and some good food in front of them. On such a serotonin overflow as they all talked about tonight's show, Jennie almost didn't hear the sound of your ringtone coming from her phone. She reached for it and, if possible, her happiness only grew when she saw your name on the screen.

"Hang on, it's Y/N."

The girls nodded and started to eat a little as Jennie pressed her phone to her ear. "Hey, baby. Everything alright?"

Jennie expected to hear your voice in return, but instead, she heard a different voice. One she knew belonged to your best friend.


She could tell your friend was frantic and right away, her heart sank deep in her chest. She had a terrible feeling washing over her quickly and she swallowed thickly, trying to swallow the lump in her throat that was beginning to grow.

"Jennie? Are you there?"

Sensing your friend's urgency, she found the words she'd been looking for. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm here. What's wrong? Why are you calling me from Y/N's phone? Is she okay?"

"No." Your friend whimpered. "She was in an accident."

Jennie tried to stand but her head felt dizzy and her knees were weak.

"I was gonna meet up with her for lunch but right as she went to pull in someone pulled out and they weren't paying attention and they smashed into her and..." She paused, shaking her head to rid her mind of the terrible memory. "She was freaking out when she got here. Jennie, she's terrified you won't come. They had to take her for surgery but she was crying and begging for you. She needs you."

Jennie could feel the tears stinging her eyes. She blinked a few times to rid them of her vision before she managed to stand back on her feet.

"Okay. I'll be there! If you see her before I do, please tell her that I'm on my way and I love her very much!"

The girls were all concerned to see Jennie in such a panicked state. She could hardly stand, stumbling over her words and her own two feet. They all pushed their things aside to grab her before she fell onto her knees as they nearly gave out under her.

"Jennie? What is it?" Rosé asked worriedly, hand on her back.

"Y/N was in an accident. I-I don't know all the details but her friend called and said that she was begging for me to be there. I have to go! I have to!" She spoke frantically and the girls nodded understandingly.

"We'll go with you. Come on, let's go." Jisoo spoke comfortingly and grabbed Jennie's things before rushing her out the door.

With tonight's show having been scheduled in Tokyo, it didn't take her long to get back to Seoul. But it felt like it had and every second she spent on the plane made her even more anxious, fearing that something would go wrong and she'd be too late.

The first thing she did when she arrived was pull out her phone. To her relief, your friend hadn't called or texted her and Rosé was quick to ease the worries that continue to swirl around her brain nonstop.

"No news is good news."

It took a few minutes for them to get into a car and arrive at the hospital but when they did she was throwing the door open and running out of the car and through the sliding doors as fast as she could. Her heart was pounding and she was breathless and dizzy and the room was spinning both from running so fast and from her own anxious brain.

But she made it to the desk quickly, although startling the poor nurse behind it.

"My girlfriend! My girlfriend is here! S-She was in an accident? Her friend called and said she was heading back for surgery. She said she needed me! Is she okay? Please tell me she's okay." Jennie pleaded, thankful that the girls were by her side once more because she felt sick as the nurse sent her an apologetic look in her eyes.

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