Chapter 42 ❤️ Not allowed ❤️

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When we're home, as in home, I mean my home, we sit in my bedroom to clean the wound on my wrist. I didn't realize it before, but my wrist wounded a bit maybe because of scratching from Natasha's long nails. It's a miracle if it doesn't scratch with that tight grip. Harley helps me by cleaning the wound and putting a bandage on it.

"Are you sure this is okay?" She frowns still looking at my wrist.

"Yes, Harley. It just a little wound. Will be fine in few days."

"Do you have any lotion, I think your wrist is still red. You need to apply some before you go to sleep okay?" She still has a concern look on her face.

"I have, Harley. It's okay. I'm okay. You don't need to worry that much."

"You have a competition tomorrow if you haven't realize yet. And your Mom is going for a meeting. How can you drive with a hurt wrist like this?"

I laugh, "Harley! It's not that serious! See? I still can move it and even twist it. I'm fine by myself." I twist my wrist and show it to her. I seriously okay. The redden spot is still not subsided yet but it doesn't hurt when I move it. So surely I'll be fine with it.

"You're always with your okay, A." She rolls her eyes sarcastically.

"But I seriously am! I'm not kidding. I can drive by myself." I nod.

She narrowed her eyes to me and gets her phone in her bag. I eye her actions but still can't catch up on what she's up to. She dialed a number and wait for the person to pick up her call.

After a few rings, she greets that person.

"Hye! Yeah, it's me.... Abby? She's okay. Nothing serious.... I think she's okay if you come.... No, it's not that.... Actually, I just want to ask if you free tomorrow? Maybe just morning would be fine..... You sure?.... Oh, it's like this. I have a theatre meeting tomorrow and Aunt Emma is having a charity event to attend. And you know, Abby has her competition..... Yes, It's tomorrow. I'm just worried about her wrist and I don't want her to drive. So..... Yeah, you're a genius. Only if you can help? Drive her tomorrow?..... Sure! That would be nice..... Thanks, Ryan. Really appreciate that..... Yeah, sure. I'll tell her. Bye."

She called Ryan? To drive me? Just because I hurt my wrist a little?

"Did I heard you right? You called? Ryan?"

"Yes, Miss Larson." She says while taking her phone back into her bag.

"And yes, he'll drive you tomorrow. So, don't even try to drive by yourself. Give your hand a rest for the competition."

"Hello, Harley? Why don't you ask him to push the button on the calculator for me too?" I ask as a sarcasm and she knows it.

She rolls her eyes, "I'll ask him if you want." Then, shrugs.

"Wait, Harley. Did you...." I frown at her while she smiles sheepishly.

"I knew it! It's just your excuse to make us meet, right?" I slap her shoulder and she wails saying it hurts.

"Oof, I can see your hand is completely normal." She rub her shoulder that I just hit just now.

I just shake my head at her. She is so sneaky.


I'm so nervous that I wake up too early. It's okay though. I can prepare more.

I take a warm shower trying to relax my mind and making sure that I'm not too nervous. I might be blank if I'm too nervous so I need to calm myself down. I get my clothes from the closet. Looking that I still have much time, I decided to do some mix and match before choosing them.

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