Chapter 38 ❤️ Not real ❤️

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I tap my fingers at the table, trying to think of what should I say.

"Then, wouldn't I? You yourself know that it will hurt me more. Yet you're here telling me to talk to Ryan. So what? So that he can break me again and that will probably makes it easier for me to forget about my feelings to him?" I might sound a little harsh, but I sense that I'm trying to protect my feelings again.

"You really think I would let him break your heart again? If I know he is going to hurt you, I won't tell you to talk to him, hell even looking at his face is forbidden. Out of everyone, I can't believe that it is you who thinks that I will let someone alive after breaking your heart. Am I not a good friend, Abby?"

Whoa, this conversation is getting heated up. I didn't mean it like that. I don't want Harley to misunderstood me like this.

"No, Harley. You are the best thing I have ever have. I didn't mean it like that. I just can't keep up with why is everyone keep siding with Ryan? He obviously hurts me and I... I just feel trapped with everything. Why? Tell me why you're pushing me to settle this with him?"

"Because that is what my Abigail would do." her voice is so soft that I almost can't hear her.

"I know. I don't even know why I acted like this but I don't think I'm ready yet to listen... to all of the fact that he's... he's...." I'm still not strong enough to say it out loud. I just can't accept it yet.

"He's not dating with Natasha."

"Yes, that's what I'm-"

Wait, what?

"He's what?" I frown at her trying to make her say it again since I think I might misheard her sentence.

"You heard me right, A. He's not. He said he doesn't even know about the news, not until the day it was exposed, and I was the one who told him about it after you ran away from us. All of this is Natasha's plan. She made up that news. Trying to make you give up on Ryan. I think she did a great job though. You fell into her game without realising and you let her won easily." This time, her face is so serious. She doesn't even blink when she stops and start talking again.

"I wasn't planning to tell you this. You should hear it from him yourself. But, you're so stubborn. I thought I could convince you without using this big information but I guess I have no choice. I'm disappointed with you, Abby. You don't even want to help yourself. But as your friend, I just want to help because this is the least I can do." She shakes her head while looking at me. I can see how disappointed she is with me. I try to shut people from my life when I am the problem. I know I was selfish.

I touch her hands on the table before opening my mouth to say something. But before I could say anything, Harley takes her hand away and talking.

"He's outside."

I look at out window beside us. I saw his Mustang and he is standing with his leg crossed beside it, looking at anything around him. The windows are tinted from the outside so he probably doesn't see us here.

"Go and talk. You don't know how much chances more you'll get to just listen to him. And please, I beg you to not mess this up. I've used every way I can to help you. And if you want to get a lift back to school for your extra class, follow him. I'm going home first." The way she emphasises the word 'just' hits me so hard.

Harley stands up and take her bag with her. As she walks pass me, she said, "Anything, give me a call. Bye." She's still concern with me even if she was beyond mad at me. What have I done? I hurt her when she is my saviour.

A tear drops at my cheek unintentionally after hearing her said that. I look at the window and see Harley meets Ryan in front of her car. He looks so relieved to see Harley. They change few words with each other before Ryan gives her a small hug that lasted less than a second. Then, Harley walks to her car and leaves.

They planned this. For me. And I would be an idiot if I let this away.

I wipe my tears and take all of my belongings before leaving the restaurant. Want it or not, I need to face him. There's no turning back, he's already here.

Once I step outside the door, I stand there, not knowing what I should do next. He quickly stands up straight and looks at me with his soft eyes. I miss those eyes. He exhales a deep breath when he sees me.

I decide to walk to him without looking at him. I clench my bag so hard as I am so nervous.

When I am near him enough, he clears his throat.

"H-how are you?" nice try, bro.

"Good." I reply with a nod.

"I guess Harley told you?" He puts his hands in his jeans pockets.

"Yup. Not too detailed but enough for me to know something." I still don't have the courage to look at him.

"Then, can we go somewhere? To talk, of course."

I just nod then he opens his car door for me. I get in without saying anything. He gets in the driver seat and buckle up his seat belt. I try to not look at him for the whole ride. I look outside the window but I can feel his gaze on me at times. I don't if it's because I was mad or I'm embarrassed. I feel like I was childish? I don't know. I don't want to think about anything.

The whole ride is quiet and only the music from the radio is heard. He sometimes clears his throat, maybe trying to catch my attention but I don't reply. I don't have the energy to.

After that quiet ride, we finally arrive at the school. Probably because it's easier since he has training and I have extra class. He walks out of the car and I walk beside him. There's not much people at school now since it's past school hours. Just some students who has appointments or plans.

We walk side by side but I don't know where he's taking me. I just follow him I guess. When he takes a turn at the end of the hallway, I know he's going to the gymnasium. Our school's basketball court.

He opens the door and no one inside. He gets in first and holds the door for me. Gentleman.

He walks directly to the ball at the middle of the court. He puts his bag down outside of the court, doesn't even care about it anyway. I take his bag and put it with mine on a bench at the bleachers.

He starts playing with the ball while saying, "You know what? I spent my whole day in here yesterday but I'm still not getting bored of this."

"I was trying to get at least 5 balls in, but I failed." He says while trying to shoot the ball. Surprisingly, the ball doesn't get in. Not like how Ryan plays usually.

"6 hours. I tried for 6 hours, I only got 3 balls in. For freaking 6 hours." He stands there with the ball in his hand.

"Well, that's not how usually are." My first sentence. Finally, I said something.

"Yes, I know. And yesterday was not how you usually are." This time, he turns around to look at me. We are a distance away but I still can see his sad eyes.

I look down at my hand, collecting the courage to walk to him and talk.

I do. I walk to him.

"Then, I guess you don't know me enough." I stop in front of him. Not too close but close enough to see his full reaction.

"You know I won't do that, Abby."

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