Chapter 14 ❤️ Nothing happened ❤️

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"So, what happened?" Harley asks me. She decided to sleep at my house since I promised her to tell about what had happened. She is eager, you know?

"Which one?" I am scrolling through my phone while leaning against my bed's headboard.

"What do you mean which one? Oh, there's must be something happened between you and Ryan, right?! Okay, tell me everything!" She's hitting my hands and I can see that she is very super duper excited with that big smile on her face.

"Nothing happened between us actually."

"What?! You are lying! Now, tell me why you are late for class with different t-shirt?" She looks at me with big eyes.

"Abby! Harley! Dinner's ready! Come down and eat!" Yes, at least I have some time to arrange some sentences. Thank you, mom.

"After dinner!" I quickly get up from my bed and run to the kitchen.

"Abby! That's not fair!" Harley catches up behind me. Yes, that's how childish we are.


"See? I know there's something betweeen you two! Mrs. Larsen seems like I will win the bet. Woohoo!" Harley as expected is very excited like she is in this situation.

"Hey, we still don't know yet, ok?" My mom says to Harley.

"Wait. What? What bet?" I am the only who is confused with what they said to each other.

"Hmmmm just a bet." Harley curls her hair with her finger.

"Oh my god. Seriously, mom? You bet with Harley when I will be together with Ryan? I can't believe you." I facepalm myself while shaking my head. Now I know where this childishness is from.

"I just join her for fun. It's just Harley by the way. It's not a big deal, honey."

"Yeah, whatever. I don't want to know about it." I finish my pasta that left in my plate.

"I told you already that I will play with your mom, right? Hehehehe." Harley holds my hand to convince me.

"Okay, fine. Just don't say about it in front of me anymore."

"Ay ay captain!" Harley makes a salute and we all laugh with her reaction.


I don't want to see Ryan at least today. I still feel awkward after what happened. Why did I cry yesterday. It was embarrassing when I thought about that.

Gladly, I have a group discussion this afternoon which also involves Harley so we don't have to meet the boys. Fuhh.

I quietly pray that this day will end quickly so I can relax since tomorrow is Saturday. When the last bell rings, I quickly go to my locker to put my book and take any homework to settle.

"Hey, Abby. I didn't see you today." Great, the handsome Ryan is beside me. My hands stop and I slowly turn to him.

"Hmm, you are now."

"Yeah. So, are you okay?" He looks at me. Oh my god, his innocent face. I can't look at them or my heart will come out.

I try to look away and say, "Yes, of course. Why would I not be okay. Haha."

"Hey, are you blushing?" He try to search for my face.

I cover my cheeks with my hands.

"What? No. It's just... Hot in here."

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