Chapter 4 ❤️ Not me ❤️

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"Is anyone sitting here?"

I lift my head to see who is interested in sitting beside me in this mathematics class.

It is Ryan.

"Hmmm, no. It's unoccupied." I turn to look at my phone again. I'm always early for classes since I don't like to sit at the back. Nerd, I know. But I don't expect that he will be in this class too. And no one in this class likes to sit beside me in the front. They're not really into maths you see.

"Thank you." He takes a seat and I already can smell his cologne. It smells nice. I don't really like men's cologne because they have this strong smell but this one is an exception.

"So, you're always early for class?"

"Yeah, sitting at the back is not my cup of tea." I answer while replying a message from Harley.

"Are you mad at me?" His question takes me by surprise.

"What? No. Why would I?" It's not that he is really important.

"Maybe because of last night?" So he knows. But still he doesn't want to answer my question right?

"Well, it's up to you. If you're ready to answer then roger me." I put my phone into my pocket and pull out my books when I see everyone is coming to the class already.

"Like this?" He put his phone in his hand. And I can feel my phone vibrating.

"Are you serious? My mom gives you my number?" I cover my face with my hands and shaking my head. I can't believe she will do this.

He has this smirk in his face right now and I can see his dimple. So cute.

"To be more accurate, my mother asked your mom for your number and gave it to me. She said in case I need your help in this new place."

Just then, Mrs. Hansen comes in with her fierce look with some papers in her hand. I know that must be the quiz we had last week. It's not that I'm worried because I like maths so I'm a bit confident. But I'm nervous because of this man beside me.

"Good afternoon, class. So here is your quiz paper from last week and I can see that not much different from other quizzes. But I hope you will make it better next time. And, Ben! You didn't get an F this time. That's a good sign. I hope you will make more improvement." The boys are making noises to tease Ben and I only made a little laugh.

"Okay, enough. So here's your results."

I hope the first is my name again. Pleaseeee.

"As usual, Abigail Larson. 97%. A+." She says my name with a smile and I get up to take my paper.

"Keep it up, girl."

"Thank you, Mrs. Hansen." I take the paper and I can't help but smile.

"So, a genius?" Ryan says as soon as I sit at my chair again.

"I don't say that. But if you want to call me that, why not?" I take a look at my paper to see which questions that I got wrong.

"Sarcastic." He says slowly but I can hear him okay.

And after Mrs. Hansen finishes giving out those papers, we start our class. And what I can see now is Ryan is wearing spectacles in class. He looks cool.


Since the school is over, I decide to go home early today. Harley also has a drama rehearsal for the upcoming school theatre. So, I want to take a rest.

I take a long warm shower after a long day of school. It is really refreshing. And I don't forget to put my music box on the high volume so that I can sing along. Isn't that what girls always do?

After finishing my shower. I wrap my towel around my body and go back to my room to dry my hair. I turn on the hairdryer and dry my hair in front of the mirror.

Suddenly, I hear my phone's beep. That a message. Must be from Harley.

After drying my hair, I take my phone which is on charge. I see the message but it's not from Harley. It's from an unknown number. I open the message.

It's me, Ryan. If you don't mind, I need a help.

I save his number first and press call.
I waited for him to pick up.

"Hey, Abby."

"So, what help do you need?" My voice sounds cold as always. I don't even reply his hey.

"Okay, that's cold. But never mind. I need to get some groceries but I don't know where is the nearest Walmart. So....."

"Oh, you want me to send you the direction? Okay wait, I'll ask my mom." I bring the phone downstairs and in towel if you're wondering.

"Mom, the nearest Walmart is the new one beside McD,right?" My mom is cleaning the kitchen counter.

"Yes. Why are you asking? We've already been there for many times."

"Ryan asks me to give the direction to the nearest one. I just want to make sure that-"

"Why don't you go with him? Isn't that easier?" I'm not done talking yet and my mouth is left hanging right now.


"Yes, it's not that you don't know him. Just spend some time with him because you guys never contacted for a long time. And it just Walmart so why not?" I know I can't talk back to my mother because I always lose.

"Yeah... That sounds.... A lot easier."

I put the call back, and say

"I'll go with you. Take me in 20 minutes, okay." I fake a smile since my mom is watching.

"That sounds better actually. Okay, I'll be there in twenty." With that, I end the call.

"Don't forget to catch dinner because I'm going to my friend's house for some discussion about the charity event." She pats me on the shoulder and going upstairs.

"What? You're not cooking? Seriously, mom!"

"Well, I like it if you spend more time with Ryan." She shouts from upstairs.

"Yeah, it's you. Not me." I'm talking to myself and go to my room to get ready because I don't have that many time.

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