Chapter 13 ❤️ Not leaving you ❤️

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Yeah, I already expected this.

I see a note at my locker. Written with a red liquid to look like blood I think.


Hello, I don't have time to care about your warning. Who else? Of course it was Natasha. To be honest, I don't want to have any business with her but I also don't want to care about this. Let's just think about that later. I crash the paper and throw in the dustbin.

"Hey, Abby. You okay?" Harley comes and pats my back.

"Yes, of course. Why would I not be okay?" I give her a smile.

"If you have anything to say, just call me, okay?" She is my best friend indeed.

"I will. Now, let's go to class. I have English literature class you know. My enemy." She laughs a little and nods.

I don't know what am I thinking while walking.


"Hey, Abby." I hear a male voice calling my name from behind. It's not Ryan's. I turn back to see William. Oh god. I look at Harley. I frown at her. She just shrugs her shoulder.

"Hey. What are you doing here?" I fake a smile.

"I think I should ask you that. It's lunch time, isn't it? Why are you not in the cafe?" He puts his hands in the pockets.

"I-I just... I will eat with Harley actually. And.. And we decided to eat at the park." I answer him awkwardly.

"But, why? You guys always eat at the cafe, right? Well, you can eat with us too. You're okay with that, Harley?"

I know what Harley is thinking. Of course she will accept that offer. It is her chance to meet Alex though. I smile at her and try to convince her to say no. Please, Harley.

"I-I... Ummm.. Yeah, sure. I think... I'm okay with that." Harley's answer is more awkward than mine. I shake my head a little and smile fakely at her.

"Then, let's go. They must be there already."


I don't say much at the lunch. I see that Harley who is in front of me is getting well with the boys especially when Alex is beside her.

"Abby? Abby!" I snapped out from my thinking. Ryan's voice sure can wake me up.


"Are you not feeling well?" He says to me. The others are still busy talking to each other to realize us.

"No, I'm fine. Perfectly fine." I give him a little smile.

"You sure?"

"Yes, Ryan. I'm fine. I just don't have any appetite today." I played with my fork in the uneaten salad.

"Excuse me. I want to go to the toilet." I say to him and tell Harley I'll be right back.

I quickly walk to the toilet and look at myself in the mirror. Am I that obviously not okay? I wash my hand and try to calm myself. Everything will be okay. I take some tissue and wipe my hands dry.

When I am on my way to the cafe again, someone blocks my way. Actually, 3 people. And I know who is it.

"You are stubborn, don't you?" Natasha says with her arrogant face.

"And why is that?"

"You are trying to flirt with Ryan and now you are dragging the gang? Do you have any shame?"

"Excuse me? I think you should ask yourself. You claim Ryan as your boyfriend even though he never interested in you. Do you have any shame?" I cross my hands over my chest to look confident.

"You are rude, girl. I didn't like that. I think I should teach you a lesson to warn you again." She takes the coffee drink from Brynn and pour it on my face. It is hot for your information.

I was shocked actually. I didn't move because it is hot. I wipe my face with my hands.

"I hope you will be a good girl after this." She pushes her index finger at my shoulder and walks past me.

Everyone is looking at me. But no one is brave enough to help me as they are afraid that Natasha will know. I take my tissue from my jean's pocket and wipe my t-shirt with it. I walk to my locker to take the spare shirt to change. I can't let them know about this.

I rush to the nearest emergency exit  bacause I can't let everyone sees me in this state. I call Harley's number.

"Hey, Abby. Why are you calling me?"

"Harley, take my bag with you when you are done. I'm sorry. Something happened and maybe I'm a little bit late for the next class. Can you please tell Mr. Grayson that I have an emergency? I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Yes, of course I can. But what happened? Are you okay? Abby? You didn't get hurt right?"

"I'll tell you later. And maybe I need to borrow your hairdryer. Just don't let the boys know. Just act normal, okay?"

"I can assure you about the boys but not Ryan. He's already searching for you. I didn't even have time to stop him."


Just when I say that, I feel someone's presence behind me. I turn around and see Ryan.

"Harley, I'll call you back. Thank you for your help." I end the call and put my phone into my pocket.

"Who did it?" Ryan looks at me with concern eyes.

"No one. I just bumped into someone and spilled the coffee." I didn't look at his eyes.

"You know you are bad at lying." He takes out a handkerchief from his bag and wipes my hair with it. I don't move. I just don't like to be concerned because I will cry even though I don't feel like to.

"I know. It was Natasha and the school's forum. Harley told me. It's not her fault though. I asked her just now about what happened. When you were calling her, I know something is wrong. I shouldn't let you go to the toilet by yourself." His hands are still wiping off the coffee from my hair. I don't know why but I feel comfortable with his hands in my hair.

"I don't like to be spoiled. I'm used to declaring with my own problems. If I tell you, I know you won't sit still. She just acting like a child and I think that's not a big deal." I still don't move and I am in a position where I can hear Ryan's heartbeat. We are so close.

His hands stop. He cups my face with his hands and lift my head so I'm looking directly to his eyes.

"But, I'm in this problem. Then, it is my problem too. Abby, I was wrong when I left you. And now I won't leave you again and do the same mistake. You shouldn't dealing with this alone. I'm here now."

As I said before, I don't like to be concerned because I will cry. I didn't even realize it but my eyes are already hot. Tears roll down my cheeks as I look into Ryan's eyes.

Ryan gives me a hug and I cry in his chest. I can't help but hugs him back. Only my crying can be heard in here.

I don't like to look weak. But I don't know why I let him see that.

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