Chapter 27 ❤️ Not dating ❤️

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Monday morning will be extra scary today as the news about me and William is still hot and surely I'll be the target for the whole week's gossip. I mean, it's William. I should expect that.

No kidding, as I walk at the parking lot, everyone is already looking at me not to mention when I step into the hallway. I try to avoid as much eyes as possible because it is really uncomfortable you know. Luckily, I decided to wear something nice today so that I don't look like a joke.

I arrived at my locker, meeting Harley. I finally can breath and happy to meet someone who doesn't look at me like they want to eat me.

"You should look at your face. It's like you are chased by ghost. And yes, it's obvious." Harley says.

"Well, we didn't plan for this misunderstanding to happen." I just shrug my shoulder and get ready for my first class.

It is a real Monday blues as the first class is Literature. This day can't get any worse, isn't it?

I try my best to focus on the subject and hoping that everyone else will do the same as me so that I won't have to act like an innocent child.

I survive the two hours class and quickly meet Harley to eat at the cafeteria. I plan not to sit with Adam and the others because I know they will investigate me about what happened. But, too late to realize, Alex and Ben are already waiting for us in front of the cafeteria and we are late to run off from them. They take us to sit with them and when we sit, all eyes are on me and William who is beside me.

I look at all of them and smile. I see Ryan who doesn't look so happy and try to not look at us.

"So, you guys are planning to look at us for the whole recess time? How about we buy food first-" I try to say something to disperse the awkwardness but interrupted by Adam.

"No, Abby. Not until you guys tell us the official announcement."

"What announcement?" William ask him.

"You guys are dating, right?" Alex, you can't be more direct and straightforward than that, right? When I hear that question, my eyes automatically shot to Ryan and I see he's tilting his head, looking at his shoes and still say nothing. Maybe the others are too focus on me and William to realize his reaction.

"No, we are not. I swear we are not dating." I say almost quickly and try my best to look as believable as possible.

William nods and says, "Yes, as she said, we are not dating."

Ryan looks up but doesn't make it obvious.

"Then, explain? About not joining Nate's party and going to the same event together?"

"Okay, first of all, we didn't go the event together. I didn't know that my Mom and his Dad are actually colleagues. You know, I don't really go to this kind of event often and I don't even remember the last time I went to one. I was looking for my table and suddenly Will appeared and we were like, "Hey, what are you doing here?", "I'm accompanying my Mom", "Oh really, I'm accompanying my Dad!", "What a coincidence we get the same table!". So, yeah. To simplify everything, that was what happened." I say everything in the most simplest sentences that I can create in my mind.

"Yup, I also just know that she is the daughter to my Dad's good friend. We talked and took pictures and that's all. I didn't say that it was a date, right?" Will comes to the rescue and I hope everyone understands what we are trying to say.

"So, you came with your father, and you came with your mother, and you guys just know that your parents are good friends?" Ben is the first to say something sane. Finally.

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