Chapter 5 ❤️ Not your favourite ❤️

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I put on a thick long sleeves white shirt and a black leggings. I pull my hair in a ponytail because I'm comfortable that way. I don't want to look eager so I just put some mascara and lip gloss for makeup and I'm done. And also, my VS perfume.


A message. Must be Ryan.

I'm here. You can come out now.

I take my black converse, phone and purse and head downstairs. I see my mom is drinking in her casual outfit ready to go out too.

"I've got to go. Ryan is here. Bye, mom. Love you." I wave her goodbye and put on my shoes as soon as I'm outside.

"Okay, take care. Don't be too late." My mom shouts.

I walk to his Mustang car and I'm actually impress that I don't know he has such a nice car.

"Hye. Nice car." I get in and put on the seatbelt. Safety first.

"Hye. Thank you. I save my own my money for this." And Ryan starts to drive his car.

"Wow. Impressive. Good boy."

I hear him chuckles.

"You should go straight from here and after the traffic light, make a u turn." I remind him that I'm actually guiding him.


"So, you have your dinner already?" I ask him as I need to grab something to eat. I'm always hungry.

"Not really. My mom is busy. She told me to cook by my own or buy something. But I just realized that we have nothing to cook since we just got here. So, I decided to get some groceries. Besides, tomorrow is Saturday and we don't have school. So why not?" Such a long explaination.

"Then, do you still want to cook or get something like McD or TGIF? Because I am actually hungry and I doubt your cooking skill." I look at him. He has this little smile when I say that.

"Okay. Let's go to McD then. I can use the groceries for tomorrow and after. And maybe I can invite you sometimes to taste my cooking?" He lift his right eyebrow. So, he challenging himself?

"Okay. No problem." Looks confident, huh?

"And you just turn right after the junction and 1km ahead you can see McD. Walmart is just beside it." I tell him the direction before he goes to the wrong way.

"You want to eat first or shopping?" Ryan asks me.

"I don't think I can handle this hunger anymore." I shrug my shoulders.

"You mean hunger of me?"

"What? No!" I'm shock with his dirty joke.

"Haha. I'm just kidding." With that little laugh, he makes a turn to McD and search for parking.


"You take a seat. I'll go order our food. What do you want to eat?" Being a gentleman he is, Ryan asks me.

"Just give me a Mc Chicken set. And. Oreo Mc flurry." It's not that much, right?

Then, he goes to the counter and queue up while I pick a table for two at the window. I like to see the stars so why not.

I check my Instagram while waiting for Ryan and update my Ig story with a picture of the stars from my seat.

Ten minutes later, Ryan comes with my food. I mean, our food.

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