Chapter 55 ❤️ Not long ❤️

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The next monday, I go to school with Ryan because he insisted me to and I just agree with him because I don't want to listen to him trying to persuade me the whole day. And as expected, some people are looking at us when we come out of the car and some of them are whispering between them. I am smart enough not to hold his hand as soon as we come out though or else we surely get caught red-handed.

We walk to our locker and see Harley is already there. Ryan and Harley greet each other and then he gives me a little hug to make it look more 'friendly' before he goes to his locker. "See you at lunch", he says.

Then I watch his back as he walks away and shifts my attention to Harley after that.

"I really think it's time for you guys to be open about your relationship. How long will you stay undercover? It's even hard to hug and kiss him in public, right?"

"I don't know. I'm just not ready for the attention. You know how famous Ryan is. We will attract all the attention if we expose our relationship." I shrug.

Of course, I want to walk and hold his hands freely anywhere without thinking about others but if they know, they won't stop talking. Ryan is famous. People might think I'm not good enough for him and judge me. Words spread around about me will never be my cup of tea.

"Abby, you already get the attention when you be friends with the basketball team. Yes, people were talking about that but see, no harm. Okay maybe Natasha was the harm but not anymore. They just need to accept that nothing's wrong with that. Eventually, they continue to live their lives just fine. We can't stop people from talking but they will eventually." Harley speaks and I must say I agree with her a little. And impressed.

"Whoa, you don't sound like Harley. But I need to say what you just said is agreeable."

"I shocked myself actually. Did I just said that?" She pretends to look around quizzically.

"Yes, you did. And yeah, you're right actually. And I know Ryan also has the same opinion as you. Do you think he's annoyed with me because I don't want people to know about us?"

"Of course, he doesn't. He respects your choice because he likes you. Ryan has  a lot of admirers and you don't want people to know that he has a girlfriend? If I were you, I will proudly tell the whole world the moment he asked. He's hot though."

I frown at her.

"What? It's true. He's hot but Alex is hotter."

"Yes, I know I should be the one who's worried. But, what if people think we don't match for each other?" I pout at her thinking about what would people say about us.

"And? Since when do you care about that?"

Harley takes my hand and continues, "I know you worry about what will they say about Ryan more than you. 'He deserves someone better', 'Does he really likes her?', 'I think he's blind' yadda yadda. But, can't you see it? He, himself obviously doesn't care at all because he only likes you. If he's worried about what people say, he wouldn't ask you to be his girlfriend in the first place."

I grip her hand back. "Are you sure you're single, Harley? Why is it always you who helps me in relationship issues? How experienced you are?"

"Well, coaches don't play." she rolls her eyes.

I smirk when I see someone walking towards us and stops behind Harley.

"Okay, coach. Let's see how long will you rest." I points my head towards her shoulder and smile.

"Hye, Alex. Good morning." I say and Harley turns around, eyes wide.

"Good morning, Abby. Harley." He smiles a little wider when he looks at Harley.

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